Prophecy: The Holy Spirit is Brooding Over Argentina

Prophecy: The Holy Spirit is Brooding Over Argentina

The Holy Spirit is brooding over Argentina. That’s what He told me as I was driving to my church, Awakening House of Prayer, in South Florida.

But He didn’t stop there. The Lord showed me He wants to revisit Argentina with revival. He told me He’s just waiting for the intercessors in Argentina to pull the revival down from heaven to earth. The outpouring the Holy Spirit has in mind is greater than the Argentine revival of the past decades.

I heard the Lord say, “I will pour out My spirit in response to the hungry ones, the remnant intercessors who are not satisfied with yesterday’s glory or yesterday’s miracles. I will respond to the cries of the intercessors who understand that Argentina’s latter shall be greater than her past. I will help them pray and push and break through to a signs and wonders revival that brings many souls into My Kingdom.”

When the Past Meets the Future

Argentina has seen many revivals. Most modern-day Christians remember the 1984 Argentine Revival, but the spirit of revival has hovered over the Latin American nation in even earlier revivals, including the 1949 and the 1954 Argentine Revivals.

Before the 1949 revival, mission boards considered Argentina the least fruitful mission field in the Western Hemisphere. In 1954, the largest churches had about seven members and the three largest denominations had less than 600 members combined. The occult and Catholicism dominated there. Some reports cite hundreds of thousands were saved in these revivals, as well as healing miracles.

Again in 1984, the Spirit of God broke out in Argentina. By then, the old fires of revival had waned and many saw the nation as difficult to penetrate with the gospel. Witchcraft was strong in the nation, as well as Roman Catholicism. Many point to Carlos Annacondia and his mass evangelistic campaigns as sparking the 1984 Argentine Revival.

Deliverance ministry was a key marker of the revival. Miracles, signs and wonders were also part and parcel of the outpouring. Intercessors prayed continually throughout the campaigns. It’s been my experience that when intercessors stop praying, the transformation fizzles. It’s time for the intercessors in Argentina to go back to the prayer closet for another push.

The Next Argentine Revival

If the intercessors will press in, I see a marquee revival happening in the next few years. Churches, get ready for the influx of souls. Begin to train up your leaders to plant new works. Raise up new deliverance ministers. Strengthen your discipleship programs.

Intercessors from other nations, pray for another Argentine Revival. As you do, God will bless your nation. God will revisit many nations with past revival history in the next decade. We must understand how to sustain revival so we can see a habitation rather than just a visitation.

God is also looking to bring revivals to nations that have never experienced His glory in the modern age. He will bring revival in unlikely places. Some of these revivals will never be publicized because of suppressed media structures, but some will escape to tell of the signs, wonders and miracles God is doing behind the veil of oppressive regimes.

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