Prophecy: Unclaimed Money in Hidden Treasuries

Prophecy: Unclaimed Money in Hidden Treasuries

“Unclaimed money.” I heard the Lord say those two words Sunday morning.

I am familiar with the concept of unclaimed money, as some years ago I discovered there was unclaimed money due to me. I gladly collected it. It was a windfall, an unexpected blessing.

But this was not just a word for me. This is a corporate word. Many in the Body of Christ are due unclaimed money and even unclaimed property.

According to Bible Money Matters, “Well, unclaimed money and unclaimed property are just what they sound like. It is money (or property) that has not been claimed by the rightful owner. This homeless money is usually the result of missed paychecks, refunds, insurance settlements, dividends, and even estates.”

This prophecy about unclaimed money could be a precursor to the supernatural wealth transfer I expect to see—and it’s biblical. The Bible says the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just (Proverbs 13:22). Abram obeyed God and saw a supernatural wealth transfer from the Canaanites (see Genesis 12:7; Genesis 13:2; Genesis 13:6). The Israelites saw a supernatural wealth transfer when they left Egypt (see Exodus 3:19-22).

I heard “unclaimed money.” Immediately Isaiah 45:3 came to mind: “And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places so that you may know that I, the Lord, who calls you by your name, am the God of Israel.”

I asked the Lord to confirm this to me before I released it. I searched for unclaimed money in my name and found it. I searched for unclaimed money in the names of another half dozen people I know and found most of them had hidden riches in secret places owed them also.

Now, I am prophesying to you: Unclaimed money. Search for it—and if you find it, give it to the Lord as a seed. When a windfall comes, I believe it positions us for a greater harvest. When you find your unclaimed money, don’t eat that seed—sow it (1 Kings 17:8-24). In most cases, you didn’t even know you lost the money and you probably didn’t miss it. So, don’t spend it on a vacation—honor God with the increase and believe for an even bigger harvest!

As a backdrop to unclaimed money, our supernatural debt cancellation service is around the corner. I’m debt-free and have authority over debt. I’m going to help you position yourself for liberty from the spirit of mammon also—and I’m going to pray for windfalls, unclaimed money manifested and the release of hidden riches of secret places.

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