Prophecy: We’re in the Outer Bands of the Storm

Prophecy: We’re in the Outer Bands of the Storm

Chinese doctors are seeing the coronavirus manifest differently among patients in its new cluster of cases in the northeast region compared to the original outbreak in Wuhan, suggesting that the pathogen may be changing in unknown ways and complicating efforts to stamp it out, according to Bloomberg.

This comes as no great surprise. Prophecies from many prophetic voices are beginning to play out right before our eyes. Some would argue end-times prophecies are part of the theater.

Let’s do a quick rewind before we move forward.

During intercession at Awakening House of Prayer on March 20, I had a prophetic vision of the coronavirus splitting and mutating. The goal is to keep doctors scrambling to find new remedies for new strains of these pestilence. (You can watch the release and the prayer here.) Could this be Covid-20? The talk of Covid-20 dates back to April and is also no great surprise.

“People should not assume the peak has passed or let down their guard,” Wu Anhua, a senior infectious disease doctor, said on state television on Tuesday. “It’s totally possible that the epidemic will last for a long time.”

In a recent USA Today story on Wednesday citing the U.S. cutting funds to a group studying bat viruses in China, Peter Daszak, director of EcoHealth Alliance, a group whose research warned of worse to come. “I’m really concerned about where this leaves us,” Daszak told USA Today. “Once we’ve overcome COVID-19, what about COVID-20? What about COVID-21?”

China Hording Food & Oil

It seems China—the place from which the coronavirus originally escaped into the wild—has been and continues to brace for the worst. China is hording food and oil, according to news reports.

CNBC reported on Wednesday lockdowns and movement restrictions aimed at containing the coronavirus have trigged transportation and logistics bottlenecks—and those blockages have highlighted the vulnerability of global supply chains.

CNBC reports, “Fears of food shortage have come to the forefront of countries, both in developed and emerging economies.”

As I wrote on March 23, “Beyond plagues, the next sign of the times will be something that looks more like a famine, though temporary. I see a contamination coming to some of the food supply that will result in shortages in some areas, as well as sickness and deaths. People will rush to order online, putting strain on the overall food supply in unaffected areas.”

Kaho Yu, senior Asia risk analyst at Verisk Maplecroft, a consultancy, told CNBC, “We expect food stockpiling to continue especially in cities exposed to logistic disruption. The confluence of expected food price increases alongside an economic contraction and rising unemployment will push up the risk of civil unrest.”

The Outer Bands of the Storm

Prophetically speaking, we’re in the outer bands of a hurricane. The first storm is not yet over, but the worst of it seems to have passed in most American cities. We will enter a calm before the next storm, which will be worse than the first. I prophesied in March that I saw two more plagues coming in the near-term. Sadhu Selvaraj has prophesied 2021 will be worse than 2020.

I see one of the two plagues coming later this year. It could be what health officials are calling a second wave of coronavirus but I believe it’s a new strain of the virus I saw in a vision, or at least a serious mutation. The latest news from China seems to confirm this.

Brother Sadhu could be seeing Covid-2021 or something entirely different. The greatest storm is still to come but God is still on the throne, a reality of which He reminded me on Sunday service at Awakening House of Prayer. I bear witness that what Brother Sadhu saw will be the greater storm.

I do not believe we can stop every one of these wheels in motion. I believe some of what we are seeing is end times activity that we cannot simply pray away. However, I do believe we can mitigate the storm’s damage through prayer and bind the hand of the destroyer in areas where he is plotting and planning, specifically the food supply chain disruptions and the destruction of America I warned about yesterday.

I do believe we can prepare our hearts and stay hidden in Christ. We can store up our own oil—like the five virgins who were ready for the Lord’s return. I do believe we can use wisdom in the natural by stocking up on extra supplies as we would for a hurricane. (I’m in Florida, so we are accustomed to doing so.).

I’m still believing for revival and awakening on the other side.

Prayer Points

1. Pray China and others in its league are exposed by whistleblowers.

2. Pray intercessors within China would rise up in their authority and break the demon powers working behind the scenes.

3. Pray God would topple the behemoth in China.

4. Pray demonic networks plotting against America and other nations will be dismantled.

5. Pray for President Trump to be surrounded by true prophetic counsel and that he will hear the voice of God.

6. Pray God will turn the hearts of evil rulers toward His will.

7. Pray against food supply interruptions.

8. Pray to dismantle bioweapons and plead the blood of Jesus against the coming plagues and a healing epidemic.

9. Pray the lukewarm churches in the nations would wake up.

10. Pray for revival to break forth in our hearts and spill over into our cities.

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