Prophetic Dream: Don’t Let False Seers Beguile You

Prophetic Dream: Don’t Let False Seers Beguile You

With the rise of true seers, is it any surprise we’re seeing false seers? Maybe you haven’t seen one yet—or maybe you just haven’t discerned them yet—but they are rising with manipulative cunning.

Jesus warned us about false prophets in Matthew 7:15. I think the Passion Translation puts a new light on this verse: “Constantly be on your guard against phony prophets. They come disguised as lambs, appearing to be genuine, but on the inside they are like wild, ravenous wolves!”

Jesus gave us a second warning about false prophets in Matthew 24:11 in the end times. Again using TPT, He said, “And many lying prophets will arise, deceiving multitudes and leading them away from the path of truth.”

This deception is happening now. It’s not only emanating from prophetic merchandisers we quite easily recognize but sinister seers we aren’t too familiar with.

In truth, we’ve had a lot more training on how to hear the voice of God and judge a prophecy than we’ve had on visual revelation like seeing in the spirit or dreaming dreams. (That’s why I’ve launched The School of the Seers and The Company of Seers, as well as The Global Prophetic Center.)

Dream: Warned About a False Seer

Recently, I had a dream in which I unexpectedly found myself on the same conference banner as someone I knew (in the dream) was a false seer. This “prophet” was a last-minute addition to the event or I would not have agreed to attend.

(I am as careful who I share a platform with as I can be. I won’t knowingly minister with false prophets—even in dreams.)

Since I was already on my way there and did not want to cancel on the host, I kept moving forward trusting the Lord to work it out.

When I arrived at the hotel, it was like an old country motel like you would see in the 1960s but with a modern twist. The hotel lobby was small and shabby, yet the reservations desk had all the technology you’d expect to see behind the counter.

The clerk seemed confused and overwhelmed. I knew something was wrong, but did not yet know the extent of it…

I went from the hotel to the venue, which was a massive auditorium. I was sitting in the front row in between my ministry director and the host of the event when the host asked me what I thought of the man on the banner (the false seer). I listened as he clearly had concerns about what he was discerning.

The host recited issue after issue with the false prophet’s booking and travel. At this point, he wasn’t sure if he should have invited him. The host then admitted people had warned him not to invite this prophet in, but he didn’t listen. He had been mesmerized by the gift.

Next, the host showed me a printed copy of an e-mail the prophet had sent his office. The messaging was more than a little troublesome. He was pleading for my wisdom in the situation before it harmed his ministry. I was slow to speak… It turns out, he was off the hook because the false seer didn’t show up.

What Does This Mean?

There are many symbols in this dream, such as the old hotel with the new technology. I believe this speaks to old “false prophet” tricks in a new season. The devil doesn’t really have any new tricks so he recycles the old ones in a new generation. A hotel can also symbolize a place of revelation. Remember, this is where I got the revelation that something was wrong.

Next, the host was concerned he had missed it by inviting in this “prophet” and was upset about it. He had invited someone who he thought was gifted but the Holy Spirit gave him a check about it later and he felt stuck. He was looking for confirmation—looking to me for confirmation. The Holy Spirit protected him in the end as the false seer didn’t come.

This is a warning to the Body of Christ to know those who labor among you (see 1 Thess. 5:12). Be careful not to invite someone to your church because they dazzled you on Facebook with their spiritual gift. Character matters. If you are a pastor or an event host, you are responsible for who you bring in to speak to the people. Don’t be an avenue of deception distribution by not checking out your speakers.

There’s a lot more to unpack in this dream but this is a lesson we should not ignore. If you’ve made a mistake, it’s always better to stop while you can before making a bigger mistake.

Check out Jennifer’s books, The Seer Dimensions. Subscribe to here.

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