Prophetic Psalmist Dionne Jermeia Joins AHOP Global Movement as Worship Leader

Prophetic Psalmist Dionne Jermeia Joins AHOP Global Movement as Worship Leader

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL—Prophetic psalmist Dionne Jermeia has joined the Awakening House of Prayer global movement as worship pastor. Awakening House of Prayer is a church, house of prayer and international apostolic-prophetic hub headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, FL with satellite campuses in Hong Kong, Perth Australia, Retford, Windsor and London England, New York City, Atlanta, Charlotte, and Washington, D.C.

“Dionne carries a unique kingdom sound that resonates with our multi-cultural audience,” says Jennifer LeClaire, senior leader and founder of the AHOP Global Movement. “Her intimacy of the Lord, knowledge of the Word and sensitivity to the Spirit is evident as she leads believers into high praise and deep worship experiences. We’re thrilled to welcome her to our family.”

Psalmist Dionne has been tried by fire. Her birthmother gave her up—opening exposing her to the pain of rejection. She grew singing in the church choir and by age 11 she led a song at the National Baptist Convention held in Nashville, TN. Though she felt a pull to R&B music, she accepted God’s call as a songbird and found inner healing through singing to and for the Lord.

 “I really want to be a willing vessel for God, and give him all the glory in everything I do,” Dionne says. “For it is He who has blessed me with such an awesome gift, and He who will continue to bless me and my family in all endeavors of this world.”

Dionne will work alongside LeClaire and the leadership team to continue building an international hub that sees visitors from other states and nations each weekend. She is an emerging author, songwriter and compassionate leader. She has four children, a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and has served as a school teacher.

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