Prophetic Word Reveals Hindrances to Finishing

Prophetic Word Reveals Hindrances to Finishing

God always completes what He started. He watches over His word to perform it in our life (see Jer. 1:12).

We have to be careful, too, to watch over His word to perform it. When God gives us an assignment or an instruction, it comes with the faith to see it through. But, of course, the enemy also comes with distractions, obstacles and temptations to quit. 

While on my Mornings with the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I had a word of knowledge about someone who tends to give up halfway through what God has told them to do. When things get hard, they give up. At the hint of opposition, they give up. 

The I heard the Lord say:

“That way and that tendency in you must die. You must grab onto My way because My way is a way of persistence, and My way is a way of finishing.

“Just as My son hung on that cross and said, ‘it is finished,’ you, too, will walk through this season and finish things that you started in past seasons and never completed. 

“For this is the season of your finishing and this is the season of your crossing over. This is the time for you to accept responsibility for the half-baked and half-finished projects that you started with enthusiasm but never completed. And I will bring to you increase and you will see and know that there is value in what I’ve told you to put your hand to.”

God is good. Remember, the foundation of all spiritual warfare is found in James 4:7, “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” You may have to submit and resist for a while before the enemy flees. But the reward of finishing is worth the battle.

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