Receive Favor & Increase! God is Declaring a New Name Over You!

Receive Favor & Increase! God is Declaring a New Name Over You!

Fairly recently, I had a dream where I was speaking to Believers in a meeting and I declared, “God is giving you a new name! You are a royal diadem in His hands and a crown of glory.” (This was from Isaiah 62.) As I declared this to Believers in the meeting, the leader of the meeting (in the dream) told me that Believers outside the meeting needed to hear this message too. I woke up from the dream and began to pray and decree forth new names and an entry into the heavenly identities for God’s people.

I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to many Believers, at large, of the importance of entering into the identity of the new names that Heaven is bestowing in this season. There is a move to shift many from their past seasons of limitation, shame and reproach. You are coming out of your places of containment where you have been held for too long!

I believe the Lord is having me share the following on what He is releasing through the new names He has bestowed to the Church.

Release of Royalty, Influence and Favor

We are entering a season where God is on course to showcase His faithful ones as a crown and a royal diadem in His hands. This is also a prophetic encouragement for some in the Body of Christ who have felt like Josephs. These are the ones who, because of the betrayals they’ve suffered, have felt that they’ve lost their cloak of favor, just like Joseph did when he was betrayed by his brothers in the Bible. Their reproach and shame will be replaced with the outworking of the favor of the Lord in their lives. His new name that He bestowed on them will make a way for them in Pharaoh’s palace, which represents Heaven’s designated place of influence for them on their earthly journey.

I see those in Jabez-like situations who have been crying out to the Lord to take away the cycle of pain and desolation from their lives. Like Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, you have felt like your legacy on the earth has been full of pain and you have been crying out to the Lord to release breakthrough that will release you from this pain. I am releasing this encouragement to you: you are not forsaken, for the Lord has bestowed a new name to you, “My delight is in you.”

Such is the greatness of the power of God that is in the new name He has given, that some will begin to experience suddenlies of breakthrough that will replace their cycles of pain and disappointment.

At a meeting in New York, the Lord led me to prophetically declare over a man who I had never met before, and did not know of his situation, that His cycle of disappointment was over and that from that day he would begin to experience breakthrough. I later saw the man at another conference, and he approached me with a beaming smile to tell me that since the day the Lord led me to declare that prayer over him, his unexplained cycle of disappointment had ended and he had been experiencing numerous breakthroughs and blessings ever since! I felt humbled as he shared this. I knew I was simply God’s prophetic mouthpiece who was sent to declare a season of breakthrough in his life because of the new name, “God’s delight is in you,” that was being given to him.

Today, I decree over God’s faithful ones who have been going through cycles of disappointment and pain: Receive your new name, “God’s delight is in you.” Enter into the new identity of this name and receive your breakthrough in Jesus name.

The Unsaved Will See Your Righteousness

The glory in the new name God has released will cause unbelievers to come to the glory of God’s righteousness in you. I hear the Lord’s encouragement for you to believe in this season for a revival of great salvation for the lost.

I feel led to share this recent story of the miraculous conversion of woman to encourage you as you share the Gospel. About a month ago, in London, as I was in the process of moving into a new home, I stood outside my friend’s car who was helping me with the move into my new home. Suddenly, I noticed a woman on the other side of the road had stopped walking and was staring at me intently. Feeling like it might be a divine appointment, I walked over and started chatting with her. She began to share her pain over her daughter who had severe mental problems. Then, when I told her about the love Jesus had for her, she replied that she was Jewish and did not believe in Jesus as the Messiah.

But that night, I felt the gift of faith rise within me. I told her that in the old testament, lambs had to be slaughtered to atone for sins, but the sins could never be taken away until Jesus the Messiah came to die for the sins of the world. I declared that Jesus was the final Lamb who was killed for our sins and there was no need for another sacrifice. At this declaration, the Lord removed the veil from her heart and His light shone on her heart. It was a miracle. In that moment she believed and said, “This is true. There really is no other need for any other sacrifice because of Jesus.” I said to her, “Do you now believe that Jesus is the Messiah?” and she said, with great conviction, that she believed.

That night, she prayed for the forgiveness of her sins and asked Jesus to be her Lord and Savior. Before I walked away, she hugged me and said to me, “You were a ray of light that came to me.” Her words brought Isaiah 62:2 to my mind: “The Gentiles shall see your righteousness…” I believe the glory in the new name that has been given to us will cause veils off deception to fall of the hearts of the lost as we minister the Gospel to them.

Our New Name is Erasing Inscriptions of Death

I have been sensing in my spirit that the enemy was putting names on tombstones as a symbol of the release of untimely death. The Lord is, however, replacing these inscriptions of death with the inscription “LIFE.” I see the name LIFE interwoven with the name JESUS. I see a mighty move of God’s Spirit through the name He has given to us to outmaneuver plans of the enemy to cause premature death. (Photo via Unsplash)

Recently, I was on my way to Nigeria in a plane en route through Paris. As the plane was in the process of descent, it encountered unexpected winds that caused it to drop instead of landing normally. We all felt the jolt as it literally dropped like a ball instead of landing on the tarmac at the airport! At that instant it seemed as if every single voice in the plane, including myself, shouted “Jesus!” with once voice.

Miraculously, at the mention of HIS NAME, the Lord guided the hands of the pilot and he was able to move the plane forward on the tarmac safely. I marveled at the Lord’s divine intervention when, afterward, I heard an account of a plane crash that occurred where a plane had dropped in a similar fashion, with the tires of the plane coming off, and the next moment resulting in a crash with very unfortunate fatalities.

I believe that when we called on JESUS in the plane, His person and identity of salvation and life was released on our behalf. After all, Proverbs 18:10 says that the name of the Lord is a strong tower and those who run into it will be safe. Scripture also says that as many as call on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13). Today I decree a release of the SAFETY and LIFE in the new name given you – in the name of Jesus – to overturn every death traps of the enemy.

Beloved, be encouraged. May you receive the blessings, favor, honor, protection and all that is destined for you in your new name.

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