7. Prayers of Intercession
At last, we reach intercessory prayer (the primary topic of my book, Strike the Mark). Did you know that all those different “sounds” of prayer must be heard first? We have to come through the gates with praise before we can enter into the Most Holy Place.
Intercession is not “devotional prayer.” That form of prayer should have been covered already in your earlier time of communion with the Lord. Intercession is making prayers of petition on behalf of others, standing in the gap between man’s imperfection and God’s perfection. We confess the iniquity of others as if it is our own and we ask for God’s mercy. (See, for example, Isaiah 59:2-15.) What a high honor it is, a labor of love, to be allowed to stand in the gap on behalf of other people!
8. Prayers of Supplication
The apostle James tells us that “mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13). To pray according to mercy is always to pray according to God’s heart. This is much more difficult than it sounds—even impossible. In fact, you cannot lift up a cry for mercy without receiving God’s grace to do so.
“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16 KJV). We cannot come boldly to the throne of grace in our own human strength. We must come with heartfelt thanksgiving, praise, and worship, surrendering our own agendas. Then we can receive His heart of mercy and pray according to His will.
9. Prayers of Command
At times, coming “boldly” entails uttering commanding words of prayer, as Joshua did when he spoke to the Lord and then released commands to the sun and the moon, so that the sun stood still for an entire day. (See Joshua 10:12-15.) It takes a profound gift of faith to do something like that.
The prayer of command is declarative in nature. Even though you may not play that “instrument” regularly in the prayer orchestra, it is important to know that it is an authentic biblical option.
10. Prayers that Decree a Blessing
Much more often, we utter prayers of blessing, even decreeing specific blessings. We can bless others with the words that the Lord gave to Moses,“May the Lord bless you and keep you.” Remember this key point: we are part of a speech-activated kingdom.
This is how God releases His blessings on His people: “So they shall put [“invoke” NKJV marginal note] My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them” (Numbers 6:27). When, fueled by the gift of faith, you decree something that is according to the will, word, and ways of God, all things are possible! (See, for example, Matthew 19:26.)
11. Prayers that Thwart the Enemy
Can we utter prayers that denounce or limit the powers of darkness? Can we bind Satan from continuing his work? Well, Jesus illustrated the believer’s power to do so when He cursed a fig tree that was not bearing fruit, after which it withered and died. (See Matthew 21:18-22.) This is like a prayer of command coupled with righteousness and faith. Jesus inspected the tree and found no figs, only leaves, on it. It had given the external appearance of being fruitful, but upon closer examination, it proved to be unproductive.
This is the kind of prayer that draws a line in the sand and says, “Enough is enough. No more!” This form of prayer should be exercised with wisdom perimeters. It requires clear discernment and faith and should be employed only after confirmation from God.
12. Persistent Prayers
The final sound in the orchestra of prayer is one of persistence. The orchestra keeps on playing even if the lights go out. There is the familiar parable in the book of Luke about the persistent widow whose appeal to the judge was answered only because she would not let it go. (See Luke 18:1-8.) Earlier in Luke, Jesus told another parable about a friend whose persistent entreaties produced results. (See Luke 11:5-8.)
Keep on praying. Don’t give up. The more you pray, the more God will keep on drawing you into His heart. You and I have been called to be enforcers of the kingdom of light over the (temporary) kingdom of darkness. Giving up is not an option!
Target Practice
Almighty God, in Jesus’ great name, I thank You that the fervent prayer of a righteous believer prevails! By the grace of God, I am adding these various sounds of prayer into my understanding. Holy Spirit, guide and direct me in choosing which instrument should be selected at the appropriate time and how to play it. I praise and thank You that You are teaching me how to release prayers that will strike the mark without fail in Jesus’ great name. Amen and Amen!