Releasing ‘Urgent Prayer’ the Right Way

Releasing ‘Urgent Prayer’ the Right Way

The enemy loves to set fires in our finances, our relationships–and anywhere else he can. Sometimes, it seems like everything is fine one minute and the next minute you’re facing some sort of crisis that distracts you from what God has called you to do. 

When the enemy comes in with an unexpected flood, we step into what I call “urgent prayers.” But what exactly are urgent prayers, and how can we effectively engage in this form of intercession? 

What Is “Urgent Prayer”?

An urgent prayer is a heartfelt, intense plea directed to God in times of immediate need or crisis. These prayers are often prompted by situations that require swift divine intervention—such as serious illness, imminent danger, or pressing life decisions. Unlike everyday prayers you release seeking God’s will or for wisdom, for example, urgent prayers are characterized by their immediacy and desperation.

What Does It Mean to Pray with Urgency?

Praying with urgency means approaching God with a heightened sense of desperation and earnestness. It involves recognizing the gravity of a situation and responding with fervent, focused prayer. This kind of prayer is marked by a sense of immediacy, a deep conviction that God’s intervention is crucial and time-sensitive.

How Do We Pray with Urgency?

  1. Invoke God’s Attributes: In urgent prayers, appeal to God’s attributes that align with your need. Whether it’s His power, His compassion, or His faithfulness, reminding yourself and God of His character can bolster your faith and focus.
  2. Be Persistent: Urgent prayer often requires persistence. This is not about repeating the same request mindlessly, but rather about maintaining a posture of fervent seeking until you sense a resolution or guidance from God.
  3. Include Others: Gather support from fellow believers. There is strength in numbers, and collective prayer can intensify the urgency and effectiveness of your intercession.
  4. Stay Aligned with God’s Will: Ensure that your urgent prayers are in alignment with God’s will. Pray for His guidance and wisdom, and be open to His answers, even if they differ from your expectations.

Biblical Examples of Urgent Prayer

Want to know what urgent prayer looks like in action? The Bible provides powerful examples of urgent prayers that resulted in divine intervention:

  • Hezekiah’s Prayer: When King Hezekiah received a death sentence from the prophet Isaiah, he turned to God in urgent prayer, pleading for mercy and deliverance. His heartfelt plea was met with a miraculous extension of his life by 15 years (2 Kings 20:1-6).
  • The Persistent Widow: In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow who relentlessly pleaded for justice from a judge. Her persistent urgency led to a favorable outcome, illustrating the power of steadfast, urgent prayer.
  • Peter in Prison: In Acts 13:3-19, the church prayed urgently when Peter imprisoned and facing death the next morning. Their fervent prayers led to an earthquake that freed them and ultimately resulted in the salvation of the jailer and his family.

Urgent prayers are a powerful expression of faith and dependence on God. By acknowledging our needs, invoking God’s attributes, being persistent, gathering support, and aligning with His will, we can effectively engage in urgent intercession. The biblical examples remind us that urgent prayers can lead to profound and miraculous outcomes. As we face our own urgent needs, let us approach God with the same fervency and trust, knowing that He hears and responds to our cries for help. 

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Let’s pray:

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