“Renewal Is Coming and Old Things Are Passing Away”

“Renewal Is Coming and Old Things Are Passing Away”

In the month of August, the Father says over you, “Your days of washing your nets and catching nothing are over. Business as usual and the status quo of defeat are now swept out of the way in advance of the proceeding word that I bring over your life this very moment.

Launching Out into the Deep

“This is a ‘launching out into the deep’ time for you,” says the Father. “Let go the shoreline of the familiar and embrace the trackless depths of the abundance I have appointed for you this day.

“No more restriction. No more diminishment. You are moving from lessening to replenishing. Empty situations, adverse life circumstances, empty nests, empty arms, empty accounts are now coming to the full by My word of sufficiency and increase released to you now in anticipation of what you do next.

On the Other Side of Obedience

“Remember this,” says God, “that on the other side of obedience, there is always a reward. Radical acts of obedience and stepping out on My Word will open the treasuries of the glory and bring advanced benefit to you, even before the time appointed. This is your moment to step out of time-bound thinking and into your set season in My Kingdom.

From Downturn to Upswing

“Faint not,” says the Father, “neither grow weary in your minds. Command your soul to respond to the promise of My Word, for it’s a new day and a new time for a new creation to completely reorient your life from downturn and disappointment to renewing and upswing.

“Things are looking up,” says God. “Renewal is coming and old things are passing away. What defined your life in the past has nothing to do with what I am doing now, so embrace the shift, call for the change, and walk in the change that now comes as highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled becomes a manifest reality in your life this day,” says the Father!

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