Responding to the Devil’s ‘Prophetic’ Voice

Responding to the Devil’s ‘Prophetic’ Voice

What do you do when you hear the devil’s voice? How do you respond? I received a message from a dear one in Christ who flows in the prophetic. This one experienced a situation during a prayer meeting and needed advice. Let’s listen in:

“I’ve had an experience about a week ago (well actually I’ve had several lately) that seemed weird. We were in our cell group. I was leading the group in prayer when I felt a resistance and began to pray in tongues louder. Then suddenly I began to hear thoughts. I knew it was thoughts and I said so out loud. I did not repeat what I heard they were negative thoughts. I encouraged everyone to press in.

“The week after I had such an assault on my mind telling me I’ve tapped into divination and things of that nature. Last night one of the attendees said they needed to confess and they said the very words I was hearing. Maybe I over analyze and I have to deal with that because it stems from my past. What if I’m not overreacting? It’s just that I’ve seen so much false stuff in the past that subconsiously I did not want anything to do with anything like that. But I do realize I am prophetic like it or not I just do not want to be erroneous.”

Praise the Lord for people who will ask questions. I know if this precious one had this experience, others of you out there probably have similar stories. In fact, I’ve lived through this one myself. I remember when the devil tried to convince me in the early days that I was flowing in a spirit of Baal. I exposed it to a prophetic mentor and learned a lot in the process. So let me respond to this dear one’s question. This was my response:

I see the devil is torturing you with his nasty imaginations. First, I don’t think you over analyze at all. The mere fact that you are so concerned about falling into error is a strong sign that you are not. I talk with prophets and prophetic people often who have the same concerns because of all the junk they’ve seen. So…

It sounds like you had the right response to the resistance. When we don’t know what’s coming at us, praying in tongues is the best thing to do. The Holy Ghost knows what is opposing us and we can either get revelation from Him, take our spiritual authority and bind it, or we can just pray in tongues, knowing that the Helper is helping in the realm of the spirit.

You were hearing what the devil was saying to someone. This happens to me a lot in church. I asked my apostle about it once and he said, “That’s not you! That’s what the devil is saying to the people. You have to pray against that.”

The devil wants you to think you are tapping into divination so you will not say what you hear…so you’ll dismiss it in fear that someone may think you are in error. He’s trying to snare you with the fear of man, for one. Next time that happens, announce what you hear the devil saying and, as a group, bind those words and pray against it. You might be setting someone free right then and there who is battling in their minds.

I always say that when God shows us something, He expects us to have some sort of response, whether that’s praying or announcing or warfare, etc. When the devil shows us something, we definitely also need to respond. See what I mean?

The fact that someone confessed the very words you were hearing tells you everything you need to know.

Can somebody say amen? We need to expose the wiles of the enemy. When we do, we’ll see more true prophets rising with integrity and accuracy and fewer false prophets getting away with fleecing the sheep.

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