Scribe are Arising!

Scribe are Arising!

Begin to write. Write that song, write that poem, write that story, write that screenplay.

By Amie Rogers

I’ve been feeling pressed to share this dream I had back in April. I’m praying it leaves you encouraged as much as it did me.

 In this dream I was standing in a this massive area of lush green grass. It seemed to be mostly flat with some beautiful, small rolling hills. Standing with me was a sea of people as far as the eye could see in all directions; I could not have counted them if I tried. The Lord started showing me various faces throughout the crowd. Some had the look of excitement, some had fear, and some were frustrated with doubt. Suddenly I heard the voice of the Lord speak. It was booming clear over every person that stood in that place. I could feel it vibrate through my body, as though I were standing in front of concert speakers. He kept saying the same thing over and over, “The scribes are arising!!!!”

As these words resonated through me, I looked out at this crowd of people and up to the Heavens and saw this transparent, shimmery, gold liquid being poured out over each person. As I watched this liquid gold coat everyone present, I looked and saw a quill-like pen, with a giant white plume in each person’s hand.

 As I have soaked on this for several days, the Lord has placed in my spirit this simple encouragement for you. Begin to write. Write that song, write that poem, write that story, write that screenplay. This “liquid gold” from Heaven is your prophetic and creative miracle coming upon you. Just start writing and you will feel it come over you. Shake off that fear of rejection; shake off that fear of “God not coming through for you”. When He speaks something, it always comes to pass!

 “O Sovereign Lord, you are God! Your words are TRUSTWORTHY, and You have promised these good things to your servant” 2 Samuel 7:28 (NIV)

 Amie Rogers is a lover of Jesus Christ, a wife and mother of four who operates in the gift of the prophetic, processing life through her writing. Having lived through many triumphs and tragedies she has been gifted with plenty of humility and some wisdom. Amie has been moved to share her journey with absolute transparency. She is compelled to show others the redemptive, restorative and healing power of Jesus through encouragement, prophetic words and His healing touch. Her mission is to speak His Life & His Love, inviting others in to hear the Lord’s heartbeat for them.

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