September Prophecy: Unlocking The Mega Rewards of Honor

September Prophecy: Unlocking The Mega Rewards of Honor

“Many have sown dishonor, disrespect and discord and are seeing the fruit of unrighteousness in their life.”

I heard the Lord say:

Honor releases My blessing, My anointing and My great rewards. Many have sown dishonor, disrespect and discord and are seeing the fruit of unrighteousness in their life. They have not understood or recognized the glory that comes from walking in honor.

You will see greater peace in your life when you honor My commands. Things will go well with you when you sow honor. Honor is the humble road, not just when you give honor to whom honor is due but when you extend honor to those who have used you, abused you and worked to defile you with the words of their mouth and the actions of their heart.


When you walk in honor with all men, you will experience a greater understanding of My kingdom principles and you will unlock blessings that were once unseen and unknown to you. Choose humility. Choose honor. I promise you it’s worth it.


Watch the video to see more vital teaching on this topic.

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