Shawn Bolz Interviews Jennifer LeClaire About Prophetic Warfare and More

Shawn Bolz Interviews Jennifer LeClaire About Prophetic Warfare and More

When I interviewed Shawn for the cover of Charisma magazine last year, I had no idea the tables would turn and he would interview me about a year later for my latest book, Dream Wild: Ignite Your Faith to Defy Impossibilities.

Shawn also wrote the forward to Dream Wild. Because this was so much fun and you are among my most loyal followers, I wanted to give you a discount code on the book when you buy it from my website.

The discount code is DREAM10. You can order the book at my website at or get a copy on

LISTEN  to Shawn Bolz interviews Jennifer here. Here’s the blurb from his show: Jennifer is an Author having written over 25 books, she is the founder of Awakening Blaze prayer movement and a prophetic voice to our generation! Jennifer shares some amazing stories of God’s unusual favor in her life. Join the conversation as Shawn and Jennifer discuss how the Lord transitioned her from Editor of Charisma Magazine into a new mandate on her life, her story of warring with a prophetic word over a property that brought breakthrough and how aligning with God’s heart over your own life will cause you to dream again! You will have to spend time with God after you hear this chat!

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