Shawn Bolz: The War is Over

Shawn Bolz: The War is Over

I know that in giving such a broad word as this, it will not apply to everyone individually, but it may help people see and find hope in what God is doing when He opens our eyes to see. I ask you to read this with an open heart and let God show what it means for you. Prophetic words help us to contemplate and reflect on life differently. If you want your new direction, you need these times of reflection; and when people share prophetic words, it helps you to reflect on Jesus and life so you can know Jesus and what He is doing with you.

“…that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you…” (Ephesians 1:17-18 NIV)

“Transition” is oftentimes not the most loved word by humanity, but it is one we need to adopt to understand the times and seasons we are in right now. 2019 will be a year of empowering the transitions for nations, movements, industries, and people groups, as well as individuals. I believe it will be marked in secular media as a year that sets us up for some of the biggest changes in modern history.

Change and transition will headline media over the next few years in many nations; changes of leadership, changes of CEOs, changes of chairmen, changes of directors, changes of top actors and actresses – so many changes. We will also see a lot of head transplants in movements, ministries, and in large churches all over the world as sons and daughters emerge into spiritual maturity, and as older leaders transition into fathering or mothering roles.

The Pauls are rising up; the Timothys and Mordecais are empowering Esthers. There will be a clear move of passing batons, and strategies will be formed to help these large denominations, churches, and ministries hand off many major responsibilities and leave a powerful legacy. Why is this happening in 2019? Strategically, God is setting us up for 2020, and we have to allow the change He has brought internally to bear fruit outwardly through this transitioning process.

Times of Transition to Create Transformation

There are seeds of purpose in mature Christians that have been growing into maturity. 2019 is a year of positioning, empowering, and setting into place.

Picture how fast a building goes up after the foundation is laid; it feels like such a short time. For Christians, 2019 is a year that will set whole church movements and denominations into a transition mode that will be followed by 3 years of massive change in the landscape of Christianity.

Imagine that the God, who has authored decades of promises and prophecies, is now coming to set up individuals and movements to finish everything needed to place us into the fulfillment of those promises, so that we can walk into the greater aspects of what He has destined us for. Some of you reading this might find yourselves changing position or jobs, moving, changing your relational circles, and more. God is also bringing change for you that will bring you into the place where you can do exactly what God made you for. For us, change always comes with the promises of Romans 8:28. God will use everything that happens, especially change, to bring us into the best scenarios of His intention toward us and our lives.

Remember that when you are transitioning into a new season in life, the people and situations that no longer fit will fall away. Don’t despise the pruning; you aren’t leading yourself or limited to what you would choose your process to be – God Himself is co-creating your life with you.

God is Releasing the Power of Story into Film and TV

As I woke up from sleep one day in December of this last year, a revelatory realization hit me that during 2019, we will see a harvesting of talent directed toward film and television projects that has been dreamed up by the creative power of God. Christian television and faith-based projects in the music and movie industries will take on radical new directions. Christians will be empowered with funds and creativity, and many people who have only been focusing on secular projects will feel God’s assignment to use their craft, skills, and talents for faith-based projects.

We will see mainstream producers, directors, musicians, and other talented creatives all begin to get downloads of projects and God assignments to help audiences see the world shaped by the love of God. Christians are coming of age in entertainment-based industries, and the reputation of Christian entertainment will change through supernatural help – beyond what they can accomplish – and through some powerful projects that will help re-brand what faith-based entertainment is.

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