In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
Some of you know what happened recently in Saudi Arabia, with the oil wells set on fire.
New Pray Points:
• I want us to pray for the Middle East. I want us to pray for wisdom for President Trump and the leaders who advise him on these issues.
• I also want us to pray against the spirit of violence breaking out in the world. So, let’s pray against any potential wars.
• Let’s pray for Iran, and for the Christians living there and across the Middle East. There are so many in those nations who really love Jesus and we want to pray for their safety.
I believe in the power of prayer. I also believe that we can stand on watch, put our shields up, and protect the nations.
WATCH NOW! Please click here or click the image below to hear the entire word.
Shields Up, Saints!

In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.
Dear praying friends,
In a recent time of intercession, I heard some chilling words, “We’re going to finish what we started.” I had a sense that these were plans that terrorists were making against America.
I also heard the Holy Spirit say that a spirit of violence has been loosed in the earth. This has been confirmed in a number of ways. I mentioned this to members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), which Mike and I convene. To a person, they agreed that they had heard something similar. Also, news reports are telling us of increased violence in some major cities in America, as well as in other countries.
Prayer Points:
• Washington DC: The Lord has specifically mentioned to me that we need to be praying against terrorist attacks in and around Washington, DC.
• Major US Cities: We will also want to cover other iconic targets in some of our major US cities.
• Iran: Holy Spirit highlighted Iran to me and the situation there, as well. I think the enemy would want to take advantage of the current conflict with Iran and escalate it.
This warning from the Lord is not to cause us fear! God is so good to warn us, so we have time to intercede and turn back the enemy’s plans. He wants us to pray so that things cannot escalate, and so that the violence will never happen.