
Shocking Sex Crimes Hitting Megachurches | How Should We Respond?


Shocking Sex Crimes Hitting Megachurches | How Should We Respond?


Judgment has begun in the house of God. Robert Morris, Mike Bickle, T.D. Jakes and Tony Evans are accused of sin or scandal. On top of this, there are some in the prophetic movement who are divisive, cursing and entering witchcraft.

Where do we go from here?

Listen as I share my heart and the public response from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, led by Cindy Jacobs. This is a sobering time.

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  1. Barbara spieler

    100% agree! Agree agree… the pain in being cursed by so called prophets over 30 years leads and has led to destruction. Amen overcoming stumble get up try again!
    But our my weakness is not my excuse!!! I always cry and give my earthly mercy. God wishes that all would repent and be saved!!!
    SEXual sin is not uncommon in any denominational church yet it has been covered as it was in the cult I was in.. when God started showing me what was going on , I realized I had to leave! I was cursed u leave and I will be destroyed.pastor made up lies none of church friends would talk to me fellowship they would walk the other way!!! I’ve been cursed BUT TO BE ABUSED AS A YOUNG WOMAN BY YOUR PASTOR IS DISPICABLE. It happened to my sister in 1971. She has never gone back to a church for any reason. She never overcame it and it’s no wonder her husband didn’t kill him.. he died 3 years later.
    Was it you Jennifer whose spouse came home in a rage!! Hurt you!!! So sorry

  2. Rosetta Evans

    Jennifer , thank you for your instructions. I receive them in prayer and mercy .A grieved spirit has woken me night after night since I heard of Mr Morris stepping down.
    I have felt to examine myself even as far back as 1982 . I do as you say believe the judgment has begun with the house of God. This truly is a time to repent and seek God with our whole hearts . This is justice with mercy . Thank God we are not in hell crying out for repentance. God is giving us a space in time.

  3. Lauren Platz

    Complete agreement. I have been apart of Generals of Intercession for about 30 years and am grateful to have found you here in Florida. Though it is heartbreaking, it is necessary for this cleansing to happen in order to heal all those affected by these terrible sins. Now we can go forward with confidence in the compassion of our Lord and bring repentance and mercy, healing and forward movement to our churches, our ministries and our country.

  4. Richard Rogachevsky

    As a health-care professional, and, not a prophetic minister, I’ll mention that in my discipline we have even stricter rules than those legally imposed. It’s considered sexual misconduct for a provider of services to have sexual relations with any client, of any age, unless the provider and client first agree to terminate their professional relationship, and, even then, a six-month waiting period is required, akin to a long courtship. The intent of this rule is to prevent transference issues involving authority figures. And, although, this rule might not apply in prophetic ministry — or, perhaps, at least not to the same extent, since our obedience is to the Lord — nonetheless, any misleading communication should be avoided, corrected, and stopped, as soon as, it’s recognized. While, I believe, we’ll find unity through our prayers for God’s mercy, for we have all sinned.

  5. Richard Rogachevsky

    In addition to seeking unity through prayer, unity through fellowship could be promoted, as per, Matthew 18:15-17, which describes a process for dealing with conflict between believers, where the first step is to reach-out, and have a private conversation, and, which, as St. Matthew teaches, if successful, it could help win over a friendship, while, in turn, if I may add, it could also serve as testimony to encourage faith in others — “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”

  6. Markus Chizyuka

    Amen, thank you. for raising your voice over this, voice for the voiceless, it’s truly unfortunate that indeed as Math 7:15 states beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. yee shall know them by their fruits. Indeed it’s a time for sifting, many prophetic ministries have decided to seek the hand of God instead of seeking the heart of God, to be more like Him, where there is repentance, forgiveness, and genuine love. we love people only because of their bank accounts! there is a thin line between prophecy and witchcraft and many are toying. with. it for the sake of prophecy or prosperity, yes indeed we need to. pray for the body of Christ, as one unit with total repentance with. a broken spirit.

    Thank you.

  7. Paige Risner

    Heartbreaking, so sorry Jennifer. Sending prayers and love. You are a shining light in the darkness. You have been a beacon of light for me and many others.👏🏼💪🏼God is a healer. 🥹

  8. Keith ingram

    I had a dream about two years. My wife and I were sitting in the congration faced the pulpit as the worship team had just finished up with worship. Then a man to my right, stood up while staring at the floor and he started Prophesying. His words were, ” I see a CRACK in the earth and the prophecy is, Judgement!”


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