Sons of Samuel will be Exposed

Sons of Samuel will be Exposed

I Heard the Lord

It was during prayer that I heard the Lord say that the Sons of Samuel will be Exposed. I heard the Lord say that over the next 15 months He will begin purging many within the Body of Christ. I heard the Lord say that He is giving the Sons of God a window of repentance for their wicked and deceptive hearts. I heard the Lord say that He yearns for their purity to be restored. I heard the Lord say that He will permit a season of repentance for those who have embraced the heart of Joel and Abijah, over the heart of The Father. I heard the Lord say that He will then expose those who refuse to weep over their wickedness. I heard the Lord say that He will expose and remove those who have embraced a life of dishonesty, bribes, and perversion. I heard the Lord say that He will not tolerate those in authority to continue to be in positions of authority, but use that authority as a scale of injustice for their wickedness. I heard the Lord say, Ryan…tell my sons that I will expose and remove, but I will restore the heart of the Father. I heard the Lord say, Ryan…tell my sons that the time to repent is now, and if they choose to turn from their wickedness, I will make them a public spectacle in all of the land. I heard the Lord say, Ryan…warn my sons that the hour of exposure is drawing near, yet my heart for them is granting them the time to choose this day who they will serve. Will they continue to feed their fleshly desires, or will they be fed by the desires of my (Lord) heart?

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