Tapping into Supernatural Help in Spiritual Warfare

Tapping into Supernatural Help in Spiritual Warfare

We can sometimes forget there is a battle raging around us. And this isn’t just any battle—it’s a war that rages in the unseen realm, a war against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).

The battle is fierce, and it’s fought not with physical weapons but with spiritual ones. The enemy is cunning, relentless, and strategic, constantly seeking to devour those who are unprepared or unaware. But we are not left defenseless. In this war, we have access to supernatural help that is more powerful than anything the enemy can muster.

(Get trained in my School of Spiritual Warfare at www.schoolofthespirit.tv.)

Why We Need Supernatural Help in Spiritual Warfare

The first thing we must recognize is that we cannot fight spiritual battles with natural means. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4). Our intellect, physical strength, or human resources are insufficient in this fight. The enemy operates in a realm that requires a higher level of power and authority—one that comes only from God. Without His supernatural help, we are vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks, but with it, we become more than conquerors.

The Types of Supernatural Help God Sends in Spiritual Warfare

God, in His infinite wisdom, has equipped us with various forms of supernatural help to stand firm against the enemy. Here are some of the key types of divine assistance He provides:

  1. The Armor of God: In Ephesians 6, Paul describes the full armor of God, which includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. Each piece of this armor represents a divine provision that protects and empowers us in the battle.
  2. Angelic Assistance: Throughout Scripture, we see examples of angels being sent to aid God’s people in times of warfare. Whether it was an angel striking down the Assyrian army to protect Jerusalem (2 Kings 19:35) or the angelic armies surrounding Elisha (2 Kings 6:17), God deploys His heavenly hosts to fight alongside us.
  3. The Power of Prayer and Fasting: Prayer is one of the most powerful weapons in our spiritual arsenal. It connects us directly to the throne room of God, where we can receive divine strategies, strength, and breakthrough. Fasting intensifies our prayers, breaking strongholds and releasing God’s power in unprecedented ways.
  4. The Blood of Jesus: Revelation 12:11 declares that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. The blood of Jesus is our ultimate weapon of victory, cleansing us from sin and protecting us from the enemy’s accusations and attacks.
  5. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit empowers us with gifts such as discernment, wisdom, and prophecy, enabling us to recognize the enemy’s tactics and respond with God’s strategies. These gifts are essential in navigating the complexities of spiritual warfare.

How to Access Supernatural Help

Accessing supernatural help in spiritual warfare requires us to be intentional and proactive. Here are some practical steps to tap into the divine resources God has made available:

  1. Stay in the Word: The Bible is our manual for spiritual warfare. It reveals God’s promises, strategies, and the authority we have in Christ. Regularly meditate on Scripture, allowing it to renew your mind and strengthen your spirit.
  2. Live a Life of Prayer: Prayer is our lifeline to God. Make prayer a daily priority, seeking His guidance, protection, and power. Cultivate a lifestyle of constant communication with the Father, knowing that He hears and responds to the cries of His people.
  3. Walk in Obedience: Obedience to God’s Word positions us under His covering and protection. As we submit to His will, we align ourselves with His purposes and open the door for His supernatural help to flow in our lives.
  4. Engage in Fasting: Fasting sharpens our spiritual senses and increases our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. It is a powerful way to break through spiritual barriers and access deeper levels of God’s power.
  5. Declare the Blood of Jesus: Regularly plead the blood of Jesus over your life, family, and circumstances. It is a powerful declaration of victory that the enemy cannot withstand.
  6. Activate Your Faith: Faith is the key that unlocks the supernatural. Believe in God’s promises, speak them over your life, and stand firm in the face of opposition, knowing that God is faithful to deliver.

In this spiritual battle, we are not alone. God has equipped us with everything we need to stand strong and victorious. As we tap into His supernatural help, we can face the enemy with confidence, knowing that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

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