The Alarm is Sounding: Wake Up! The Battle Begins Today

The Alarm is Sounding: Wake Up! The Battle Begins Today

For over three decades, prophets have spoken of the coming move…of the coming harvest. There have been many streams, but it’s the same message! It has been the most released, single note to the Church at large. It’s the Tekiah sound of the shofar, a call, a summon, an announcement of coronation. That sound is now distinct, precise and ringing in our ears. It is has become the clarion call!

Awake, Oh Sleeper!

But now a second, more urgent blast is sounding: T’ruah. This repeated, short blast – this alarm – is sounding! To arms! It is now! Preparation is over. This is the precise moment for which you have been trained. No delay! Wake up. Get out of bed. Grab your weapons. This battle begins today.

I believe the most pertinent, prophetic word sounding today is the word “AWAKENING.” In fact, if the Church is not engaged in the purposes God has called her to, the word “awaken” will be the most important thing for any of us to hear.

Most see “awakening” as an event…I see it as a life walking in the reality of His presence daily. I relate it to Ephesians 5:14, “Wake up oh sleeper…and Christ will shine on you.” We only carry His glory when we are awake. There is no discernment, power or vision for those who remain asleep.

If has God intended anything for His Church, it is that she would be awake. Slumber has a way of hiding us from the truth of reality. Sleep itself can create delusions of grandeur as we live in the dream of our own making and miss the very purpose we have been brought to the earth for such a time as this!

Shaking and Quaking

If the prophetic is anything, it is the shaking in the Church, the world, and the powers that be. It is shaking them into the reality that God has an opinion, and with that opinion He will bring adjustments to impact the world that we know and live in. To ignore these shakings, to ignore the Voice that is pulling us toward goodness, righteousness and truth (Ephesians 5:8), is a disaster waiting to happen…a disaster that too many are willing to wait for.

For example, when the shaking of an earthquake occurs, it causes those most responsible to get up and make sure everyone is out of the house before it crumbles. There is a clarion call that is being released today: “WAKE UP!” All the alarms are going off.

It’s time not just to enjoy each other, but to infiltrate darkness with so much joy, that many can be freed, saved, healed, and carry the same joy-filled life that you are experiencing!

Everything about the Kingdom, walking with Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, has movement. Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life. In Him we move and live and have our beings!

Wake up! The Awakening has begun…and some are already seeing the fruit!

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