The Billion Soul Harvest Is Imminent

The Billion Soul Harvest Is Imminent

Era: A period of time marked by distinctive character or events; a point in time from which succeeding years are numbered.

We, the church, have entered a new era that will be the most exciting and fruitful season in church history. Our best days are ahead, not behind. This era, as the definition states, will, indeed, be one from which succeeding years are numbered. Why? For the first time since the days of the early church, the Body of Christ has the potential to fully reveal Jesus on earth! This new ability will result in the greatest harvest of souls in world history, and the greatest spiritual transformation of nations ever witnessed!

Such an increased fruitfulness on the part of the church is due, in large part, to the Holy Spirit’s restoration of the fivefold ministry gifts the Lord gave her. The Scriptures teach that Christ, whose name means “the anointed one,” apportioned the fullness of His anointing into five distinct parts: apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, and teaching (see Eph. 4:11). He then gave these “anointings” as gifts to the church. According to the subsequent verses, this was so that we, the church, might:

1) mature as Christ’s Body; 2) do the work of ministering to individuals for Him; and 3) fully reveal His nature on earth (verses 12-13). These five gifts of Christ, the Anointed One, were NOT bestowed as positions or titles; rather, they were given as abilities and functions.

Tragically, two elements of Christ’s anointing—the apostolic and prophetic gifts—were abandoned for centuries, making it literally impossible for the church to reveal Him in His fullness. Apostles govern (spiritually); they lay foundations, coordinate, and establish kingdom endeavors. Apostles oversee and strengthen the activities of the other four gifts; and they lead in spiritual warfare—apostles are generals.

Prophets see, hear, and discern spiritually. They receive what God is saying and deliver the revelation to the Body of Christ. Prophets are forerunners, discovering and preparing the correct paths for the church. They are standard-bearers, insisting on biblical ideals and methods. In many ways, prophets are the conscience of the Body of Christ. And like apostles, they, too, lead in war.

For centuries, the church has functioned only in Christ’s evangelistic, shepherding, and teaching gifts, not embracing or operating in His apostolic and prophetic anointings. Within the last 40 years, however, Holy Spirit has wonderfully restored an understanding of these powerful and indispensable gifts, making it possible to now operate in the fullness of Christ’s anointings and reveal the fullness of who He is on the earth. Please, let that sink in.

A new era? Indeed!

A billion or more souls will be saved over the next few decades—more than in the previous 2000 years. The glorious Church Holy Spirit spoke of will now emerge (see Eph. 5:27). Signs and wonders performed in Christ’s name will be prevalent, grabbing the attention of millions and confirming the reality of who He is. Christ’s passion for lost humanity will be seen. Millennia-old strongholds will be broken over regions of the earth. Third-world nations, impoverished and oppressed, will be healed, transformed, and discipled. The Kingdom of God will manifest fully, until the knowledge of the glory of the Lord is seen around the world (see Hab. 2:14).

Get ready for radical change. Prepare your heart to become part of this transformative spiritual revolution. Determine to partner with Holy Spirit as He invades earth’s atmosphere in new and unprecedented ways.

You were born for such an era as this—seize the opportunity!

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