Our great God has been preparing for a glorious new era for nearly 70 years. It is not just a new season of refreshing; it is much larger than that—it is a time of entering into the greatest days in church history. I wrote in my earlier book, Angel Armies, that the Holy Spirit had spoken to me with bold intensity, “The greatest days in church history are not in your past, they are in your present and in your future.” Those days are here.
No other period of time in church history is comparable to the age we have now entered.
No other period of time in church history is comparable to the age we have now entered. We will see each of the anointings the Holy Spirit poured out over the past 2,000 years released again in this new era simultaneously. We will see the ages converge and all of the different streams birthed by the Holy Spirit merge together and flow in an unstoppable mighty river throughout the earth. Productivity and function will synergize, led by Holy Spirit. The church will now implement new strategies, soaked in wisdom and experience and bathed in prayer and His presence. There’s never been an era like this one.
The righteous remnant will begin to function as true heirs with Christ. This era will be marked by supernatural signs, wonders, healings, and miracles that will be visibly seen, and even media outlets will report what was once thought to be impossible has now happened.
In this new era, King Jesus will make His stand alongside His people in very clear and powerful ways. Indeed, He will fulfill the prophetic word of Micah 2:13 (paraphrased), “Messiah, the Breaker, will go before them, and they will break through.” We are entering days of supernatural breakthrough. It is not off in the distance; it is here and we are seeing it unfold now.
We are entering days of supernatural breakthrough. It is not off in the distance; it is here and we are seeing it unfold now.
Along with the King making His stand, we will see, as well, that a true New Testament church will make her stand. The ekklesia and genuine governing authority will be seen on the earth. The days of pretend Christianity are over. It is a new day. It’s a new era. It is time for reality church!
Mar 10 2025