The Divine Intersection of Quantum Physics and Dream Work

The Divine Intersection of Quantum Physics and Dream Work

I am sometimes asked what inspired the name of our ministry and website: Glory Waves. I love that question and sharing the answer because it actually has to do with quantum physics.

I’ve written about this supernatural science in the first chapter of our dreams book, which you are welcome to download free. I’ve also blogged about the sacred aspects of quantum physics, most recently in an article on Quantum Glory, which you can check out here.

Now, I’m excited to share a video explaining more about how we can practically collapse these waves of glory. As we begin to understand the fascinating correlations between the Observer Effect Principle in quantum physics and our supernatural walk in the Spirit, we can put this science to work for us. We will see how we are able to effectively release the blessings, resources and very atmosphere of God’s Kingdom through our hearts, and by so doing, transform our lives and change our world.

In this free 24-minute teaching we will answer these questions and many more:

  • Where do dreams come from and why do we have them?
  • What did Jesus teach His disciples about the Observer Effect?
  • How does observation cause transformation, and what did the Apostle Paul write about it?
  • What does cutting-edge science reveal about bringing heaven to earth?
  • And how does this relate to dream interpretation and understanding our visions of the night?

Watch the video here to find out!

This is Session One of the ten-part training we’ve developed on dreams. The recording was filmed at Toronto Catch the Fire and you can find out more and get the entire series today. Sweet dreams!

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