The Financiers Are Coming

The Financiers Are Coming

In this season the Lord is aligning Finance Seers to ministries and businesses.

By Monica Ramey

Several months ago I attended a church service that had a wonderful woman of God ministering. Near the end of the service, she started moving prophetically. She gave the Pastor of the church an awesome prophetic word. It was personal and powerful, and made a huge impact on him. I don’t remember all the details of the word, but I do remember her saying the words “Gates of Influence”.

A few weeks after that I was sitting in a chair in my living room, and the words Gates of Influence came back to my mind. I saw a picture of people in business suits standing near a large gate. I heard the word “Financiers” and saw the people in business suits with wallets open and check books open with pens in hand.

Merriam-Webster dictionary says the definition of Financier is: One who deals with finance and investment on a large scale. The definition of financier for English Language Learners says: A person who controls the use and lending of large amounts of money.

As I saw the word Financiers in my mind, it turned into the words FINANCE SEERS. I felt like the Lord was saying that in this season he is aligning Finance Seers to ministries and businesses. These Finance Seers will have the ability from God to SEE where great needs are, and will purposely align with that mission for a moment or a short season to bring financial breakthrough and God’s will to earth. They will fund and bring life back to visions for ministry that seemed dead and forgotten. They will fund new business ventures that will in turn, multiply and expand. Kingdom businesses will rise up and help fund the great Harvest.

Some of the Finance Seers will wake up after accumulating great wealth for years and years, and will receive understanding and discover their calling to give. Some of them made money by lending in the past. They will become lenders to the Lord and investors into His Kingdom. They will walk with the One who brings the return. Salvation will come to some of them, and they will clearly see the path that God has laid out for them. These ministers of finance will not stay for long amounts of time. They will be mission minded, on assignment with an anointing and grace to give. I believe some of the Finance Seers will be the answer to many who have waited and cried out for so long.

God will again show Himself strong and faithful. He is strategic and perfect in timing. Alignments are happening now. The Finance SEERS are coming!

Monica is a writer, speaker, and prophetic minister. She was born and raised in Northern Kentucky. After overcoming years of addiction and cycles of broken relationships, her heart’s desire is to see people set free from whatever obstacle is in their way, and to help them find their identity and authority in Christ. Monica has two grown children and currently resides in South West Florida with her husband Dave and their young son.
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