The Fisherman Will Soon Start To Deliver the Fish

The Fisherman Will Soon Start To Deliver the Fish

Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers – Get Ready to Disciple the Newborns!

By Vince Viozzi

As I was seeking the Lord the other day, I could strongly feel the Lord’s heart in this. I sense that He desires to speak concerning an influx of newborn Christians.

“The Fisherman are about to deliver the fish into the sanctuaries of many churches! Will you be ready to disciple them?”

Recently, I saw a documentary program that was highlighting a particular region of the north. In it they showed a large number of fishing boats that were all in one bay of water. These fisherman were waiting for the exact moment of the opening of the season to go out and make their catch.

The fish that they were going to catch were in spawning season, and every year they return to this one particular area of the waters to do their spawning. There were HUGE numbers of fish that annually returned there by instinct to reproduce after their kind. They further said that these fisherman could catch enough fish in one day to make a years worth of wages! I believe this is a prophetic picture of the time and season we are in.

The Fish Are Coming!

I sense from the Lord that we have begun to enter the season of spawning in the Kingdom! The Spirit of God is stirring and drawing the hearts of those who are ready to answer His beckoning to salvation. I feel in the spirit that this number of souls is very large.

I see a picture in my spirit of a vast number of souls, like a huge school of fish, frantically swimming and stirring the waters around them. They are in great anticipation for what is about to take place in their lives! They have been feeling the Spirit stirring them and drawing them, but they have not known what to do about it or with it.

The Father is sending forth the Word now and He is blowing the trumpet in Zion to call forth His reapers and His teachers! For most of you, it will be an almost overwhelming and unusual amount of new souls ready to be birthed into the Kingdom!

“The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ… ‘Behold, I send My messenger before Your face… The voice of one crying… Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.’ John came… preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. Then all… went out to him and were… baptized… in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.” (Mark 1:1-5 NKJV)

I also feel this stirring in my spirit: There have been past moves of God where there was a vast increase of newborns into the Kingdom. However, the ability to meet the challenging needs of these precious ones was not in place in most of the churches. Therefore, many of them became vulnerable to the attack of the enemy of their souls!

Expect the Unexpected Ones

There will be warriors marked for the Kingdom military. I became aware of something with certain people of past generations. Tattoos were associated with those people who were military individuals! It might have been a fad, but it was a socially perceived marking that pointed outsiders to the fact that someone with tattoos was associated with the military in some way!

In this day in which we are living, there is a generation of individuals who have also become marked for social acceptance and association. These individuals are usually feared and scorned by God’s people because of different religious philosophies. Hasn’t God instructed us to look on the heart and not the outward appearance (see 1 Sam. 16:7)?

There is about to be an influx of many of these tattooed ones coming into God’s Kingdom! God sees their hearts and He knows their potential. He wants us to be aware that the internal makeup of many of these individuals is the strong potential for Kingdom warriors.

This revival that is about to be released will draw in many of these “marked individuals!” The Lord wants us to know that they are marked for Kingdom service! Many of them will be great warriors for God’s purposes and plans.

The Colorful and Pierced Worshippers

“…They will look on Him whom they have pierced…” (Zech. 12:10)

Under the Old Covenant law, bondservants were pierced through the ear (see Duet. 15:17). “These newborns will be coming with many piercings and they have the heart of a bondservant. They are those who are willing to give up their own lives and serve Me to the end! Do not reject them. Love and acceptance will be the keys to winning them over.”

“There will be an influx of those with colored hair. These newborns will have an artistic bent. They see the beauty in life all around them. They recognize that I made My creation colorful and inviting and expressive!

“These are those who will also love to hang out around the throne! They are deep worshippers and I seek for worshippers!” Jn. 4:23-24 NKJV, ‘…true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit…’ Around the throne are very colorful attractions!”

“Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in Heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.” (Rev. 4:2-3 NKJV)

For God So Loved the World

If we are going to see people saved and discipled in this imminent revival, then we are going to have to lay down our religious intolerances and judgments of worldly people. If we do not do this, the newborns will not feel the love of God and we will lose them quickly!

John 3:16 is very explicit that God loves THE WORLD! Jesus also, speaking as an Apostle, gave this exhortation in John chapter 10, “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.” (John 10:16 NKJV)

Vince Viozzi has been serving the Lord through ministry in music and leadership in several churches in the Pennsylvania area. After being a Senior Pastor for several years he felt to spend more time raising their 5 children, and has spent years working in the market place as a Machinist. His gifts and passions have been to teach the Word of God, so that he can help bring clarity for the Body of Christ’s Believers. He has had a prophetic edge on his ministry, and God has been encouraging Vince and the Body as he has shared the prophecy God lays on his heart. He has been serving now at Life Center Ministries, Intl. in Harrisburg, PA, and is serving God with anticipation as they work together in prayer and prophetic ministry. He is an ordained minister through the Clear River Network, Harrisburg, PA – Charles Stock Senior Apostle.

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