The Fragrance of His Presence Is Being Released

The Fragrance of His Presence Is Being Released

There is a sweet fragrance that is being released from the fully surrendered lovers of God who have lingered in His presence.

By Angela Stolba

His splendor will be like an olive tree, his fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon. People will dwell again in his shade; they will flourish like the grain, they will blossom like the vine—Israel’s fame will be like the wine of Lebanon. | Hosea 14:6-7

There is a sweet fragrance that is being released from the fully surrendered lovers of God who have lingered in His presence. These ones have been like Mary: content to sit at the feet of Jesus and have chosen the better thing, which will not be taken away from them (Luke 10:42). Like grapes, these people have endured much crushing and pruning, yet there is now a sweet fragrance that’s being released from their lives. Just as when a grape is being put in the wine press, the sweet juice is released after the crushing.

Be encouraged, for harvest time has come! The pain and crushing that you have endured has not been in vain. Truly your time of harvest is at hand. I see a massive tree that is heavy laden with fruit. Others will come and partake of the ripe and luscious fruit, reaping where you have faithfully sown.

All that you have endured is now being rewarded. The many tears you have cried are producing a great harvest of joy (Psalm 126:5). The long winter season is finally over, and spring has come!

 See! The winter is past;
    the rains are over and gone (Song of Songs 2:11).

The sweet fragrance that is now being released from you is precious and costly. Others will catch the scent and know that you’ve been in the presence of the King; they will know that you have been brought to the forefront for such a time as this. Steward well all that God is releasing through you and stay humble, for your time of promotion is at hand.

They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
    and never fails to bear fruit (Jeremiah 17:8).

Angie Stolba has a heart to see people walking in compete freedom and restoration. She shares her testimony at conferences and women’s events. Angie enjoys co-laboring with her husband, Jeff, in ministry, as well as pouring into their three daughters. Angie has a genuine passion for God’s Word and intercessory prayer. She is the author of the book, Dealing With the Root of Rejection.

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