The Lion of Judah Is About To Roar Over California Part 1

The Lion of Judah Is About To Roar Over California Part 1

The Lord is releasing His roar over California.

By Lana Vawser

The Lord has been speaking to me about California over the past few weeks and highlighting the need for increased intercession and declaration of the Word of God and His plans and purposes for her. As I sat with the Lord today I had a vision and I saw the Lion of Judah stepping into California. I saw Him stepping into the centre of California and He stepped in with a LOUD ROAR.

A prophetic utterance then bubbled up within me:

“California He is coming! California He is about to step in like you have never seen before! California He is coming! He is coming! Prepare the way of the Lord! Prepare the way of the Lord! For He has heard the sound of intercession. He has heard the sound of the redeemed in the land. He has heard the cries of the watchman on the wall and He is coming! He is coming! He is coming! The Lion of Judah is stepping in and He is about to ROAR and things are going to shake. Things are about to shake. Things are about to be rattled. Things are about to be toppled and rolled. It’s time! It’s time for the ROAR of the Lion of Judah to be heard across the state. It is time for the ROAR of heavenly justice, vindication and preparation to take place. Make way! Make way! Make way! The King of Glory is coming! He’s coming! He’s coming! The whole state covered in the Glory of God! No longer pockets of His Glory, but WAVES of His Glory! Thick darkness may surround, deep darkness may fill the place, but it is time for the Glory of the Lord to rise. It is time for the Glory of the Lord to rise. The enemy has attempted to hinder the birthing. The enemy has attempted to miscarry what the Lord is doing, but the triumph of God will be seen in the Glory of the Lord being revealed. The Lord is coming to show Himself strong! He is coming to release His roar! He is coming to release a sound that has not been heard in California before. Armies upon armies of angels are being sent to you California. Where the enemy has been decreeing death in many forms, the Lord is coming to release His life in abundance. Continue to prepare the way, continue to prepare the way for the King of Glory to step in.”


I then heard the Lord say:

“There is a new song bursting forth from California. There is a new song of the Lord bursting forth. It is the sound and song of victory! It is the sound and song of how I will show myself strong! It is the sound and song of how I will show myself strong! Lift up your praises and sing My people. Lift up your praises and sing over the state. Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing forth the songs of victory! Sing forth the songs of victory to usher in a great birthing in California. A birthing and manifestation of Isaiah 60:1-2. A birthing of My Glory and My power being seen like never before.”

“Arise, shine; for your light has come,
And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
“For behold, darkness will cover the earth
And deep darkness the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you
And His glory will appear upon you.
“Nations will come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.” (New American Standard Bible)

“As My people praise, My gavel is coming down! As My people praise, My gavel is coming down. There has been a great delay that has been over California, there has been a significant battle over California like that in Daniel 10, but I decree over California now that as My people praise, as My people continue to sing My decrees and promises over her, there is breakthrough taking place. There is breakthrough beginning to rise and there will be physical manifestations of My power being released as the gavel comes down. Watch and see My decree INCREASE. Watch and see the FRUIT of My decrees INCREASE. For in the shaking, in the rattling, in the toppling and rolling, I am increasing My presence. I am increasing My power. I am increasing My justice, I am increasing My Glory. Don’t look for the darkness, don’t focus on the darkness but know that My light is increasing. Know that the greatest outpouring of My Glory and My power is gaining momentum and is going to be revealed in unexpected, glorious, significant ways. Oh the joy that will fill the hearts of My people as I show up! A refreshing is coming to My people in the breakthrough! Many have contended, many have interceded, many have stood on the wall for so long for the state of California, and I have heard the prayers and cries of the saints. Watchman on the wall, continue to contend, continue to intercede, continue to sing and KNOW that the RAIN is beginning to fall. My rain is beginning to fall. I have stationed My angels in California ready to herald the tipping point.”

I then had a vision where I saw angels, so many angels standing all around the perimeter of California and they were holding HUGE buckets and bowls. They were waiting on the command and decree of the Lord, and then they began to release the bowls. I heard them in unison singing “Tipping point, tipping point, there is great tipping point being released.”

Suddenly, I saw a great outpouring spreading all throughout California. The wave of His Spirit and His presence was spreading all throughout the state. As it was flowing I heard Psalm 24:8-10 (The Passion Translation)

You ask, “Who is this Glory-King?”
The Lord, armed and ready for battle,
the Mighty One, invincible in every way!
So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice![a]
Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny!
Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in.
You ask, “Who is this King of Glory?”
He is the Lord of Victory, armed and ready for battle,
the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts!
Yes, he is the King of Glory!

The Lord has been releasing this Scripture over so many places, cities and nations in this season, because He is about to step in as the King of Glory with the breaker anointing, as the Mighty Warrior, to show forth His power and see His Kingdom extended in gloriously significant ways amidst the darkness that surrounds.

As I saw the wave of His Spirit flowing like water across the state, I saw the water turn to blood and I heard the words “It is the power of My blood. It’s the power of My blood to overcome!!! The power of My blood to see My people overcome!!!” The sense surrounded me of all the prayer, intercession and standing in the gap in repentance for California that has taken place and continues to.

Lana Vawser has a heart to encourage the body of Christ and individuals in their walks with Jesus; deeper intimacy with Him; and learning to hear His voice. Lana operates in the prophetic and loves to share the heart of God with others. In 2009, Lana wrote her first book titled “Desperately Deep – Developing Deep Devotion and Dialogue with Jesus”. She is a gifted prophet and teacher, and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.

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