The Lord Is Mantling Intercessors With Boldness

The Lord Is Mantling Intercessors With Boldness

The Lord is calling for intercessors that will stand in the gap. I feel a strong unction for the Intercessors to arise. Intercessors, the Lord is putting a new mantle on you. He is putting a new mantle on you, a mantle of boldness on you. Someone needs to receive it.

All the intercessors that have been faithful, that have been pressing, that have been pushing back darkness, that have been decreeing and declaring what the Lord says are receiving a new mantle of boldness.

The Lord has been mantling you with new boldness to go into territories that you have not gone into before in the Spirit, to take on enemies that you have not fought before, by the Spirit, led by the Holy Ghost. He’s putting a new boldness on you to tackle issues in society like abortion, like perversion, things that have come to infiltrate the church and those things that have come and to take out babies. There is a boldness to come against those things that have come to wreck our marriages, and things that have come to pollute the Gospel.

The Lord is calling for intercessors that will stand in the gap. I feel a strong unction for the Intercessors to arise. Intercessors, the Lord is putting a new mantle on you. He is putting a new mantle on you, a mantle of boldness on you. Someone needs to receive it.

All the intercessors that have been faithful, that have been pressing, that have been pushing back darkness, that have been decreeing and declaring what the Lord says are receiving a new mantle of boldness.

The Lord has been mantling you with new boldness to go into territories that you have not gone into before in the Spirit, to take on enemies that you have not fought before, by the Spirit, led by the Holy Ghost. He’s putting a new boldness on you to tackle issues in society like abortion, like perversion, things that have come to infiltrate the church and those things that have come and to take out babies. There is a boldness to come against those things that have come to wreck our marriages, and things that have come to pollute the Gospel.

“That mantle of boldness is coming upon you. Those things that you were not sure about in past seasons, the things you didn’t know if you should step into,” the Lord says, “I’m going to show you. I’m going to show you how to step, I’m going to show you how to press. I’m going to teach your hands to battle and your fingers to war at a new level. I’m giving intercessors new strategies, for this season. I’m giving intercessors new tactics in this season, even new weapons in this season; a fresh revelation of what you were not familiar with. The righteous are as bold as a lion, I hear a boldness coming from the intercessors. I hear a roar coming from the intercessors and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

The Lord is putting a mantle of boldness on you in the Spirit and He is going to give you new assignments. I see new assignments coming for the intercessors with this mantle of boldness.

The Lord says, “I can trust you in these next level assignments. I will lead you into battle; I will lead you into victory. Don’t take on those things I’ve not called you to,” says God, “but do take on the things that I’m prompting you to take on. Do follow my lead because I will take you into deep places of intercession. I will take you into that deep, deep place, where you will see things that you’ve longed to see. You will see things that you’ve never seen before. The things you’ve heard people have experienced, those realms of glory, those realms of victory in warfare.  There are realms of intercession and there are realms of travail that you will walk in. You will walk in the confidence of Christ with this mantle of boldness that I am giving to you. If you will walk in it, if you will walk in this confidence, I can use you. I can cause you to rise up and tackle things that have come against your family and even your city. I am putting transformation in your mouth.”

“When you speak forth what I tell you to speak, it’s going to bring change. It’s going to shake up some things in the Spirit; it’s going to move some things that need to be moved. It’s going to bring down some things from heaven, from glory that need to be established in the earth and even in your life. It’s going to shake, it’s going to move!,” says the Lord.

Tap into these Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls on Periscope. Follow me @propheticbooks. Be sure to get a copy of the devotional.

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