In times of battle, modern-day warriors would surely choose a machine gun with heavy ammunition over a sling and a stone. But spiritual warriors would do well to adopt the mindset of a slinger.
While the enemy is throwing fiery darts and his puppets are slinging mud on the saints, Davidic warriors who know when to worship and when to run to the battle line are slinging stones and defeating every foe. Indeed, the Bible highlights the warfare ministry of the slingers over and again, and demonstrates the power of the sling.
In a season when the spirit of assassination is working through believers to backbite, accuse and otherwise tear down, the Lord is calling the slingers to arise and face down giants in the spirit. These giants include slander, offense and sabotage, but the slinger can take out any foe the Holy Spirit leads them to battle.
Pick Up Your Slingshot
You’ve probably seen a slingshot. It’s essentially a forked stick with a rubber band. It does not look imposing or intimidating when compared to other battle gear. But it packs a punch—especially when the Holy Spirit’s power propels the stone toward the giant.
David could have faced down Goliath with a full coat of armor but he chose the sling and the stone. I don’t believe it was only because he hadn’t tested Saul’s armor. I believe it was because David was so dependent on God that he didn’t feel the need heavy artillery to take down his enemy. David knew His God was stronger than the Goliath. For all Goliath’s empty threats, David defeated him with a sling and a stone (see 1 Samuel 17:50)
Of course, slingers need spiritual accuracy. David understood who his enemy was before he ran to the battle line. He was accurate in spirit and accurate with his slingshot. Many warriors today lack accuracy in discerning the real foe and the weaponry demanded to defeat them.
Our aim is to rise up in the spirit of the warriors in Judges 20:16: “Out of all these people there were seven hundred specially chosen men who were left-handed, all of whom could sling a stone at a hair and not miss.”