The Power to Gain Wealth and Keys to Redeeming Time Part 2

The Power to Gain Wealth and Keys to Redeeming Time Part 2

Angels are handing out keys to redeem time!

By Holly Watson

Angels and Keys to Redeem Time

A few days ago I woke up out of a dream where an angel handed me a key to redeem time. In my dream, I was purchasing an expensive watch for my son with a premium credit card to give to him as a gift. As my daughter and I were standing in line to pay for the watch, I noticed the check-out counter was situated in a beautiful candy store. When I looked over at my son, I noticed he was walking away in distress, while pointing to a place in his body where he had a physical aliment. Just then, an angel walked over to me and handed me a key in a locket to assist us with our purchase. Below is the prophetic Word Holy Spirit gave me to release on our Social Media page:

Angels are handing out keys to redeem time! Health is being restored. Finances are being restored. Prophetic promises are in queue to be released on your behalf! Stay on course. Doors to your destiny are flinging wide open!

So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame. Joel 2:25-26

Sons and Daughters of God this is our hour of redeeming time! Where the enemy has attacked our health and finances, where he has threatened to delay our prophetic Words and plunder our land of promise; God is releasing keys to unlocking the doors to our future through supernatural means. A restoration from the years the locust has eaten is in the works through Angelic assistance! The Spirit of the Lord is saying, Payback time is here (Joel 2:25)! Isaiah 22:22, What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open! Kairos moments are in queue by the Hand of the Lord!

The God Who redeems time and Who orchestrates times and seasons is ushering in the fulfillment of our prophetic promises, swiftly (Genesis 21:2)! We will be like children in a candy store whose eyes are filled with wonder at the goodness of God. The faithfulness of our wait and the fruit of our obedience is bringing forth provision to last for generations to come. God is unlocking the answers and giving resolutions to the problems we have sought out for years. The hands of time are moving in our favor! Angels are in route holding the keys of access to our future. A Joseph anointing to gain the power to get wealth is being activated afresh. Those who have gone through the pit, passed through the prison, and sustained the vigor of tarrying for the promise, are being favored by God with the power to gain wealth. The Spirit of the Lord says, This is YOUR appointed time! What man said you couldn’t do, I did! Behold, I make all things new.

And Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him. Genesis 21:2

Holly is a Prophetic Voice and revivalist throughout the Body of Christ. Her mandate is to release the Heart of the Father to today’s Church and to equip this generation to be Kingdom-minded and end-time prepared. Holly and her husband Frank co-founded KRGO Ministries as a result of the prophetic Word reaching the Nations through their website. Holly ministers throughout the Southern CA area and surrounding regions releasing the Father’s Heart with power and authority.

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