The Season of the Suddenlies

The Season of the Suddenlies

Key Ingredients Needed

When the Fullness of Preparation meets the Fullness of Time it results in the culture or atmosphere where “Suddenlies” come to pass.

  1. When the Fullness of Preparation
    Consider the example of the lives of Joseph, Moses, Esther and many others. There is always purpose in the preparation.
  2. Meets the Fullness of Time
    Kairos time—this is a critical strategic time vs. Chronos time—which is a planned calendar time or event.
  3. It results in the atmosphere where “Suddenlies” come to pass
    When the breakthrough comes it erases the weariness of the previous season, a refreshing presence of the Lord comes upon you   and you know that the waiting was worth the outcome result.)

Confirmation Through Cindy Jacobs

God will always confirm His word through the testimony of other voices. Here is a word of confirmation from Cindy Jacobs of Generals International.

God has spoken to me and to different prophets around the world that 2018 will be a remarkable year of God’s “Suddenlies.” When I asked the Lord about this, I felt the Holy Spirit saying, “It’s the year to possess the gates of your future.”

In order to lay hold of your future, you must be willing to let go of your past. You have to be willing to let go of the disappointment of your deferred dreams. You must be willing to hope and trust again. God is good, and you know it! You must be willing to act—to say “NO!” to the devil’s lies, and to say a “YES!” to the great promises. So don’t give up on your dreams!

The Message of My Encounter

There are a few distinct qualities that are necessary in the atmosphere for a “suddenly” to occur. We must not quit, but we must keep our hand on the plow and our gaze straight ahead. We must have flexibility as every new birth comes in a form we do not expect. We must not lose our sense of awe and wonder. We must have a longing for the Word of the Lord. We must let go of old disappointments. We must tell ourselves to dream again.

When the Fullness of Preparation meets the Fullness of Time it results in the culture or atmosphere where “Suddenlies” come to pass. “And Suddenly… And Suddenly… This is the Season of the Suddenlies.”

Prayer of Preparations for the Suddenlies

Gracious Father, in Jesus’ wonderful name, once again we consecrate ourselves to You for Your purposes in our lives and in our generation. Though the road has been long, we know that those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. We choose to cooperate with the fullness of preparation. We long for the strategic timing of the Lord to come. May Your “Suddenlies” come quickly and change our weariness into a new Spring day. We are grateful for the shift of seasons as we posture ourselves for You to come Suddenly to Your Temple with Your manifested presence in Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.

Prepared for the Suddenlies of God!

James W. Goll

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