The Upcoming Outpour-A Bridal Revelation

The Upcoming Outpour-A Bridal Revelation

There’s celebration in heaven because sinners are coming to repentance.

By Shana Dorsey

The Upcoming Outpour-A Bridal Revelation
Every-time I listen to “I surrender” by Psalmist Raine. I get caught up in a vision of dancing. The Lord will sometimes vary the vision, but it usually involves the Lord Jesus seizing me quickly by the hand and galloping with me through a great dance floor or ballroom. His speed and alacrity remind me of the Song of Solomon:
“Listen! My love is approaching. Look! Here he comes, leaping over the mountains, bounding over the hills.” Song of Solomon 2:8, CSB

As of late, the scenes have shifted. Lately I’ve seen a great dance floor with lights dim, but neon and flashing, like what you’d find at a wedding reception in the evening. By Christ’s side was a Bride, dressed in typical white regalia. And behind the couple was a multitude of people.At one point , they were all dancing. It was such joy! It wasn’t stuffy or religious. But Jesus was laughing and they were throwing their hands in the air , shuffling from side to side, to the left and to the right. I was amazed at the liberty of it all. Then, yesterday, the Lord showed me a scene I’d never glimpsed before in this vision.

The floodgates opened and a huge outpouring of rain fell on the people dancing. The scene ended with a close up of the Lord Jesus standing in the rain alone, smiling with eyes closed and locks drenched, basking in the downpour. I was reminded a bit of Song of Solomon 5:2 in this scene. He seemed to signal to me a great outpouring was coming to the earth—and he was going to enjoy it. Humbled, I am reminded that all the Kingdom work we do is all about him.
The Bride in the vision symbolized all who would come to know him, and the people behind the Bride and Jesus were the great company of heaven, including even the angels. 

There is a great rejoicing and celebrating happening in heaven because sinners are coming to repentance. Therefore, people of God , get ready for the upcoming outpour !


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