“It’s Time for the Turnaround Over Our Nation!”

“It’s Time for the Turnaround Over Our Nation!”

Significant Dream and Interpretation in Preparation for the Turnaround Conference

A well-respected pastor in Arizona texted me on a recent morning regarding the upcoming Turnaround Conference in Washington DC, February 22-24:

I was praying for the gathering in D.C. and felt so strongly its significance—that our nation’s future is at stake!! What we pray, and indeed how we pray, will determine our future for many years. We are a nation at a crossroads, and this gathering will play a pivotal role in the direction our nation must take. Praying for you.

I certainly bear witness. It seems the spiritual airwaves are filled with prophetic insight regarding this gathering; I am receiving words almost daily. The following dream was sent to me a few days ago by a trusted prophet:

I dreamed last night of the Turnaround gathering. In the meeting, there were hundreds of angels with tuning forks in their hands. Rees Howells (Rees was a Welsh intercessor in the mid-1900s used greatly by Holy Spirit to turn the tide of WWII) and John Knox (a great Scottish reformer and intercessor in the 1500s) came in from the cloud of witnesses. Rees held a tuning fork, and John a gavel. They presented these to you; as they did you smiled at Ceci (Dutch’s wife) and struck them together.

The angels simultaneously struck their tuning forks. As the sound began permeating the people, they began to vibrate and spin. While doing so, they morphed into an Army of Special Forces. Illumination came from them and filled the room. Then a man pinned a badge on you that said: U.S. MARSHALL OF THE NEW SOUND. I woke up overwhelmed.

This dream is so filled with revelation, and it is difficult to summarize in a brief manner. Here, in bullet form, are some of my interpretations:

• “Hundreds of angels with tuning forks” – angels will be there to assist us in hearing the sound of Heaven.

• “Rees Howells and John Knox” – we will be building on and agreeing with the prayers and reforming actions of past generations (something I refer to in my book An Appeal to Heaven as “the synergy of the ages”).

• “Tuning fork” – we will hear a pure and clear sound from Heaven regarding America.

• “Gavel” – the Sovereign Judge of Heaven and earth is going to render His verdict.

• “As the sound began permeating the people” – we will become one with/agree with Heaven’s words and verdicts.

• “They morphed into an Army of Special Forces” – just as special forces are hidden, small in number and incredibly efficient, so will we operate.

• “Illumination came from them” – we will be filled with and release revelation and glory.

• “U.S. Marshall of the new sound” – we will function as Christ’s Ekklesia, the representatives of His Kingdom government on earth; as such, we will expose the enemies of God, disrupt their plans, enforce Heaven’s rule, and reform America.

This is all consistent with Matthew 16:13-19; please read it:

Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ:

When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in Heaven. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.”

ElijahList Prophetic Resources
The passage speaks of revelation; the authority of Christ; Christ’s Ekklesia—the representatives of His Kingdom government on earth; binding and loosing; and releasing Heaven’s judgments against the powers of Hell. Psalm 149 tells us all the saints are honored with the potential of participating in this activity.

Could it be that God is about to shift the praying earth into a new dimension of all this? I believe so!

The New Era

One of the great shifts in process within the Body of Christ is regarding our role as Christ’s Ekklesia (Church). Most of you probably know that in Christ’s day, the Word did not mean a religious service, organization, or building; it was a legislative assembly. We are “representatives” of Christ’s Kingdom government on earth.

Certain streams of the Body of Christ have functioned well as His family and Bride. Few of us, however, have operated at a high level as His Ekklesia. Binding and loosing, opening and closing spiritual doors, releasing Heaven’s decrees to earth—these governmental functions have occurred only at fairly low levels.

This is about to change.

The turnaround for America is only part of God’s plan for this gathering. One prophecy concerning the upcoming Turnaround conference stated that the worldwide prayer movement will be launched into its next phase. Functioning as Christ’s Ekklesia IS that new phase! The Church is about to move into a completely new level of enforcing Kingdom rule and the will of God on earth.

One of the interesting things recently pointed out to me about the location of the Turnaround Conference is that we will be meeting between the FBI and DOJ, the two governmental agencies that have frequently been in the news lately. We know that thousands of wonderful, dedicated people work in these two organizations. We also know, however, they are two of the agencies from which a few corrupt individuals have tried to destroy the president.

We will operate in our Kingdom authority while there, breaking the back of this attempt to render President Trump ineffective. We will decree the exposing and failure of all attempts to sabotage his presidency. We will release favor over him, enabling him to accomplish everything for which God sent him to the White House—including the turning of the Supreme Court! President Trump will fulfill all of God’s purposes for him.

Join us on February 22-24. Be prepared to walk in your governmental authority as a member of Christ’s Ekklesia. We will birth the turnaround in America and we will launch the new era of kingdom authority!

The finest days of the Church are not behind us; they are ahead. Let’s write history together!

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