To the Intercessors, Watchman and Heaven’s Negotiators

To the Intercessors, Watchman and Heaven’s Negotiators

I want to share this prophetic glimpse I was given recently into the spirit realm to strengthen those who stand in the courts of Heaven, those who watch on the walls of our cities and nations, and those who are heavenly negotiators. May the Lord strengthen you today as you read these words.

The White Envelopes with the Golden Seals

I sensed those on the front lines have been experiencing unprecedented doubt and uncertainty, due to the prolonged time it has taken to see prayer answered and promises fulfilled. Many have fainted, but many are still holding on to the promises of God with little of their own strength left. As they have humbled themselves under the hand of the Lord, He is exalting them in this due time (1 Peter 5:6).

The Lord reminded me of the end-time significance of the book of Daniel, as He had so many times before. I was seeking the Lord regarding unanswered prayer and unfulfilled dreams and visions at this crucial time within the Body of Christ. I sense, like many other prophetic voices, the atmosphere is pregnant with the prophetic promises of God. So much so, the nations are groaning to see the precious fruit of it on the earth.

Firstly, servants of God, you are highly favored. You are the treasures of our God. Stand to your feet. The Lord has sent messengers to strengthen you in this hour. I hear Him saying to you, “As you have carried out the fasts that I have ordained, I now say, ‘Come to the water and drink and your soul will delight.'”

“He said to me, ‘Daniel, you are a man treasured by God. Understand the words that I’m saying to you. Stand on your feet, for I have now been sent to you.’ After he said this to me, I stood trembling.” (Daniel 10:11)

Recently, I saw a vision that was taking place in the spirit realm over the entire earth. There was a cataclysmic war taking place with so much activity going on it was hard to concentrate on any one form of combat. I could see the host of Heaven was engaged in the battle, carrying what looked like large, white envelopes. The envelopes were very official-looking with gold seals. They were all facing the one direction, toward the earth.

Weakening Enemy Lines

I sensed these envelopes carried the answers the people of God were waiting on. They were filled with instructions, breakthrough strategies and blueprints. The heavenly host was in, what looked like, an intergalactic battle with laser beams and what resembled missiles of light. There was also hand-to-hand combat with swords that had light coming out from the tips of the swords. This war had been going on for some time. I had the impression it had been going on for even years over some situations and nations.

I was shocked at the unseen war that was taking place over the earth and in awe. This angelic host never let go of the royal, white envelopes. They had a look of determination to get through these enemy lines at all costs. I asked what were the colorful laser lights I was seeing throughout the battle. The Lord said, “Every time My people stood on the promises I gave them and declared prophetic words over their situations, light was released from Heaven into the battle. This was weakening the enemy lines.”

The Lord asked me to encourage His prayer soldiers. He said, “Tell them I heard My servants on the first day they turned their faces toward Me. The enemy has tried to delay the fulfillment of God’s plans throughout the earth.” I then heard these words resounding over this colorful war taking place: “Enough is enough!”

Enough is Enough

There has been a barrage of delays and setbacks, but we are going to start to see some things breaking through in the last part of this year. There is a tipping point for the vials of the prayers of the saints in Heaven. Those who have been involved in spiritual warfare, the intensity of your seeking has caused this angelic victory.

“Then he continued, ‘Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.'” (Daniel 10:12)

God’s first responders are being released throughout the earth to minister to the saints of God. They are carrying the message that your prayers have been heard, your petitions, supplications, and intercessions have come before the throne. Your answers are on their way. There have been delays and setbacks, but you are going to start to see some things breaking through in the last part of this year. Even things you have given up on ever seeing come to pass. All you Believers who are battle-weary, you will experience the strength of the Lord afresh.

“Again the one who looked like a man touched me and gave me strength. ‘Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,’ he said. ‘Peace! Be strong now; be strong….'” (Daniel 10:18-19)

This is a time the people of God will find favor in the sight of God. They will have peace and be strengthened even during the remaining battle. There is about to be truth, released from Heaven, in areas where we have not had clear insight previously. Truth is coming to those who have stood through the battle. The angelic hosts are waging warfare on your behalf. Be strong, are you ready to receive your envelope?

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