Two Men Say ‘Voice of God’ Saved Them from Being Crushed by Semi

Two Men Say ‘Voice of God’ Saved Them from Being Crushed by Semi

Miracles happen every day — you just have to know where to look. For two men on the road for a good cause, an incredibly close call can only be explained as miraculous.

Kenneth Bryant and Jordan Cole were traveling from Montana to Philadelphia in mid-November 2018. Their mission — feed pastors at a conference.

The men work on a MudMan food truck, a truck they were bringing to the conference in Philadelphia. They were traveling with a group, but Bryant and Cole stayed with the truck while the rest of the men broke off to find a replacement part for the vehicle.

MudMan Burgers is a “not for profit burger shop with all our proceeds going to support the work of Potter’s Field Ministries in their global kid programs,” the organization’s Facebook page reads.

It was then that an act of faith took place. “He was in the cab of the truck and I was in the back,” Bryant shared with Fox 8. “I was using a generator in the back to charge our cellphones.”

Both men say it was the voice of God who saved them from a horrible collision with a semi-truck at that point. Though they were in different parts of the truck, they were moved to jump out at the same time.

Bryant says he had a vision. “It was a pretty predominant thought that the truck was going to get hit,” he explained to Fox 8.

“We heard a voice, and it was to get out of the truck and I look down and I saw a semi swerving toward us,” Cole said.

Moments later, a semi went right through the middle of the food truck. If they hadn’t abandoned the vehicle, Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers say the men most certainly would not have survived.

The semi-truck driver also survived the ordeal, walking away with only minor injuries.

Now these men of faith are sharing their story because they believe this happened for a reason. “We’ve come to the conclusion that it was Jesus,” Bryant shared. “He allowed this to happen… for people to know that our Heavenly Father is mindful of us.”

Seemingly unexplainable acts like these appear to reach far beyond our human understanding.

For Cole and Bryant, one thing remains clear: “God kept us safe, God kept us alive,” Bryant said. The two men continue to serve and share their story in hopes of inspiring others.


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