Uncovering a Filthy Church Lie

Uncovering a Filthy Church Lie

Often in church you hear some pretty bizarre things. For the sake of learning I am going to share one with you. Unfortunately this statement came from supposedly mature believers or even “on fire young people.” Here, a filthy lie is about to be uprooted, so put your seat belt on.

“I am not called to evangelism.”

I have heard supposedly Spirit-filled Christians say this very phrase. They are filled with a spirit and it is not holy. It is actually a spirit of fear. Here the spirit of fear and the fear of man work together to silence the church. However, the real church cannot be silenced. Let me say it like this—if the gates of hell are prevailing, it is not the church. The gates of hell not prevailing against the church means the Kingdom of God advances at all times no matter what, hence, “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end” (Isa. 9:7). The gates of hell not prevailing means that we plunder the enemy’s camp and take back the people he has trapped in darkness. The Kingdom of God is not defensive. It is always offensive—it only moves forward. When Paul the apostle wrote about the armor of the Lord in Ephesians 6 there was no armor for the back of the soldier because forward is the only option in the Kingdom.

If the gates of hell are prevailing, it is not the church.

Jesus told His disciples to pray that the Lord of the harvest send forth laborers into His harvest, and then He sent them out to preach and demonstrate the Kingdom. If we are going to know and follow the Lord of the harvest then we are going to have to get into His harvest field. When Jesus said, “The fields are ripe unto harvest,” He really meant it (see John 4:35).

When Jesus commanded His disciples to go into the world, He really meant it, and He has never changed His mind. Jesus actually believes that when we go His presence will be with us to reveal who He is. Jesus believes that our light shining is directly connected to the Father receiving glory. Let me say it like this—you are called to win souls and you are called and chosen, so be faithful. Faithful means moving forward and not looking back. Luke 9:62 states, “And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Those who are fit for the Kingdom don’t have time to look back because they are moving forward. If you are going to move forward in the Kingdom, you must pick up the plow and get your hands dirty in the Lord’s harvest field. Whether you are a housewife, an intercessor, a worship leader, a schoolteacher, or a computer technician, you are called to the harvest field.

You are called to win souls and you are called and chosen, so be faithful.

Let us consider some very sobering words. Luke 11:23 states, “He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.” By not choosing Jesus, people are actually opposing Him. By not gathering people into His Kingdom, people are actually working directly against Him. These are serious and indicting words; they are very strong and uncomfortable. Just because these words are uncomfortable doesn’t mean we should ignore them. As a matter of fact, if you want to grow spiritually you must get out of your comfort zone so the Holy Spirit can be your Comforter as you go through spiritual growing pains, so to speak.

You must get out of your comfort zone so the Holy Spirit can be your Comforter

5 Hindrances to Evangelizing
1. A lie that has said, “You are not called to evangelism.”
2. The spirit of fear and/or the fear of man.
3. Selfishness that causes people to be silent when they need to speak.
4. Leaders who don’t train their own people how to actually evangelize and then lead by example. (Leaders, remember your people will not do what you say, they will do what you do. In the Kingdom all leadership is by example.)
5. Unbelief that God will actually use them.

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