Unleashing Your Prophetic Gifting

Unleashing Your Prophetic Gifting

Activate Your Prophetic Calling

I recently attended the School of Prophetic Trainers at The Mission Church in Vacaville, California. Along with a group of about 150 prophetic voices from around the world (some as far afield as Russia, Cayman Islands and our own team from South Africa), we gathered to hear from God and receive training in prophetic activation. What an amazing time of hearing from the Father and connecting with fellow believers from across the globe.

I wanted to share some of the lessons I have learned along this amazing journey diving deeper into the prophetic call of God on my life. Some of these are simple life applications based on the Word of God that you can test for yourself. Others may challenge you to dig deeper into your relationship with God and find the answers you need in Him directly.

Is prophecy still relevant today?

God has been speaking from the very beginning of creation. His voice radiated over the waters and gave life to all of humankind (Genesis 1). His voice and the spoken word of God continues to resonate over the earth today and there is nothing closer to God’s heart than His longing to connect, speak, and commune with us as His children. If only we would take the time to listen…

In brief, prophecy is our ability to recognize the voice of God and speak out that which He is saying. It is often about dying to ourselves and our own voice, and all about tuning into God and connecting to the voice of the Father to find guidance, comfort, strategy, direction, and more from Him.

As the church today, we need only open our Bibles and find every resource to fully fathom the very basics of prophecy. Between the pages of each book, the Father spoke – and continues to speak; He called – and continues to call – men and women to be messengers and prophetic voices in their generation. As such, prophecy remains as relevant to us today as it did at the very beginning of creation.

God’s Prophetic Gift to Us

The Bible itself is a prophetic gift from God to the church today. Here we can find solutions for many of life’s problems, guidance for righteous living, and the skills needed to tune out the world and tune into the voice of God. In fact, the Bible is divine and God-breathed – it’s the very voice of God manifested to us.

The life of Jesus, too, is a living prophesy fulfilled. In fact, Jesus’s resurrection is God’s ultimate prophetic act, saving us from our own sins and granting us access into the family of God.

The Prophecies of God are True

Bible scholars have noted up to 300 old testament prophecies which spoke about the birth, ministry, and resurrection of Christ – long before he was ever birthed into the flesh. How amazing that God would share the hidden mysteries of His own Son during an era way before He was ever called to take our place on the cross!

Through Jesus, God gives us access to sit at His table and hear from Him. Prophesy is, therefore, a free gift, given to us by our Heavenly Father as a way of hearing and receiving from the Lord.

It may manifest in various ways – sometimes we receive new revelation in the Word of God, which as mentioned, is a prophecy in and of itself. Sometimes we hear words spoken to us – either audibly or directly into our hearts. Sometimes the Lord may give us a picture, a song, a vision, or a dream that speaks to us. Like Joseph who dreamed that he would someday reign over his brothers (Genesis 37:5); or Samuel who heard the audible voice of God calling him in the night (1 Samuel 3). In whichever way the Lord chooses to speak to us, we need to be open to hearing from Him and receiving what He has to say.

So, What’s the Play Call?

If in doubt, or if the voice of God seems hazy to you today, open your Bible. “For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and their marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart,” (Hebrews 4:12).

What can you do to activate the prophetic in your life?

  • First, spend time getting to know your Father. Make time with God a priority and get to know His voice. He is always speaking, but often, we do not take the time to even recognize His voice.
  • Secondly, know your rightful place as a child of God. We may not all be called prophets, but we have all been called to prophesy and to hear from God. Don’t be afraid to ask God the questions you have on your heart and receive the answers you need from Him.
  • Next, ask God to increase your prophetic gifting. Perhaps you have been too afraid to step out and receive from the Lord. But, one Word from God can change your life forever.
  • Practice and listen for the Voice of God. Ask God to speak to you today. Be open to the many ways He can and will communicate with you.
  • Stir the gift. Ask God for more and practice tuning into the Father’s voice daily. Ask Him to speak to you in new ways and you may be amazed by the results. “Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy,” (1 Corinthians 14:1).

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