Unmasking a Sinister Spirit Loosed During Covid-19 and How to Pray Against It

Unmasking a Sinister Spirit Loosed During Covid-19 and How to Pray Against It

Nearly a year ago, Cindy Jacobs released a sobering prophetic word about a spirit of violence unleashed in the earth. We’ve seen the fruit of that, and in some unexpected ways. Who thought there would be violent incidents over toilet paper stocks in retail stores amid a coronavirus wave?

The spread of coronavirus, isolation, social distancing, lock down, self-sheltering, quarantine and the new lingo we’ve added to our vocabulary in this season is somewhat traumatic in and of itself. But the Holy Spirit showed me a spirit of trauma has been loosed on the earth. Trauma and fear are working together to put people and keep people in bondage even after this controversial coronavirus passes.

As I taught in my School of Deliverance, trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster, according to the American Psychological Association. Shock and denial are among the emotions that often immediately follow the event. Coronavirus would fall into the natural disaster category. People are losing jobs, money, relationships—and some are beginning to lose their minds.

Trauma Can Leave You Demonized

The spirit of trauma is pouncing on people who do not know how to deal with the emotional shockwave in a year when many prophets were prophesying blessings upon blessings. Coronavirus was an unexpected blow to the world economy. Then there’s the devastation of the reported death toll and the speculation of a second viral wave in the fall.

Some will walk out of this season with Post Traumatic Stress disorder to one degree or another. And many will walk away with a spirit of trauma that torments them long after coronavirus is a headline in the annals of history. Left unhealed, trauma attracts demons that torment you. Keep in mind trauma doesn’t just open the door to other spirits, like rejection and self-hatred, it also opens the door for more trauma. In other words, trauma begets trauma.

Many of life’s experiences can be traumatic—and the spirit of trauma will work to enter in and skew your trust in God. Trauma’s victim leaves them asking, “Why did God allow this? If God is good, why would He permit this?” Satan is sometimes called the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), but I’ve discovered he’s also an accuser of almighty God.

It’s especially important in this season that we submit ourselves to God and resist the spirit of trauma. If you need inner healing from past trauma, there’s never been a more strategic time to seek it. If you are feeling emotionally unstable, seek counseling and gird up the loins of your mind with the Word of God to guard yourself against this sinister spirit.

A Prayer to Strip Trauma of Its Power

Despite the trauma of coronavirus—or any trauma—remember you truly can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. He is your Rock, your Fortress and your Deliverer (Psalm 18:2). Your latter really will be greater than your past (Haggai 2:9). God will give you give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3). Like Job, God in His restorative power can give you double for your trouble (Job 42:10). As one who experienced trauma upon trauma, I’m a living testimony.

Here is a prayer to help you strip the power of trauma from your life, taken from my book, The Spiritual Warfare Battle Plan.

Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus and ask you to heal my emotions from the spiritual attacks and natural circumstances that caused me such great pain. Release me from the painful memories of my past that continue haunting my soul.

Help me to think on what is lovely, pure, holy and good and to cast down imaginations that work to draw me away from Your presence into a prison in my mind. I give you my pain. I give you my fear. I give you my guilt. I give you my anger. I give you my anxiety. I give you every emotion that defies your Lordship and ask you to give me joy, peace and strength in my spirit.

Deliver me from the trauma’s bondage and nightmare. Rescue me from this terrifying pit of panic attacks. Undo the damage the enemy did to my soul. Help me to slam the door shut on trauma once and for all. I plead the blood of Jesus over my mind, will and emotions. Thank You for Your healing power working in me right now.

If you want to listen in to my audio prayer against trauma, you can find it here.

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