Urgent Prophecy: London Is the Landing Page

Urgent Prophecy: London Is the Landing Page

When I stepped into the United Kingdom in September for the New Breed Revival Network conference, I clearly heard the Lord say, “London is the landing page.”

The “landing page” verbiage is essentially an allegory that speaks to me because of my media background. A landing page is a term used in conjunction with websites and has many purposes or functions. I believe London is the landing page of the European church. The Lord continued to give me downloads about the deeper meaning and even strategy for the prophetic voices and intercessors in the land.

1. A landing page is an entry point—it's a gateway. The Lord showed me the church in London must stand at the gates and decide what is allowed in and what is shut out of Europe's spiritual atmosphere. Church in London, God has given you authority as gatekeepers in the spirit to bind on Earth what is bound in heaven and loose on earth what is loosed in heaven, according to Matthew 16:19.

As a prophetic act, stand at the gates of your cities and declare that the King of Glory reigns. Welcome Jesus to take His rightful place in your city and your nation. You are to lock the gates to demonic forces invading Europe.


The Lord is calling you to expel the forces of darkness, lock the gates with the Isaiah 22:22 key and re-establish His kingdom order. Isaiah 22:22 says, “And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.”

God is re-establishing His spiritual government in the U.K. Just as you saw a shake-up in the natural government here this summer, there will be a spiritual realignment in God's government in the U.K.

God is giving apostles and prophets—the true ones—keys of governing authority. If you use these keys in prayer—if you decree and declare what the Lord is saying to your nation, if you rise up in this hour—you will loose Father's will and push back darkness in the spirit. 

I heard the Lord say, “As goes London, so goes Europe. So stand in your authority and rule and reign as kings and priests in the name of Jesus.” First Peter 2:9 reveals we are a royal priesthood. In other words, we are kings and priests unto our God.

2. Landing pages are used to drive conversions from a sales perspective. In a spiritual sense, this relates to evangelism. The Lord shows me He is raising up evangelists and believers with an evangelistic grace who operate in miracle ministry to demonstrate the power of God according to Mark 16:15-18.

Conversion rates will rise in England and missionaries will go out from London into Europe with a signs-and-wonders gospel that sees souls converted if you will embrace the power gifts mantle. Seek the Lord, seek impartations, seek activations for the power gifts. Remember, Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:4-5, “My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.”

3. A landing page publishes key information to influence people. The Lord showed me prophetic voices are going to begin to trumpet God's true word. Prophets and prophetic voices are going to prophesy with greater accuracy and a remnant from the larger church—some who have turned a deaf ear—are going to begin to listen.

Not all will listen. But more will heed the true prophetic voices and rally the troops. The Lord is calling prophetic believers to prophesy into the government and into the education system and into the media, arts and entertainment and business realms. He is calling you to prophesy into the seven mountains of societal influence

The Lord will watch over His word to perform it, and the angels will hearken to the voice of the prophecy that truly comes from the heart of God. You will not just prophesy something once and expect it to happen. Persistence and waging war with the prophetic word is key to the strategy in this hour.

The Lord wants His church at large to get a right paradigm of angelic ministry and avoid the excesses, extremes and errors some taught. Bill Johnson teaches we don't worship angels but it would be foolish to ignore them. Hebrews 1:14 says angels are ministering spirits sent forth to serve the heirs of salvation. Psalm 103:20 tells us angels hearken to the voice of God's word to execute His plans.

4. A landing page offers relevant messages. Not relevant as in compromising the gospel. Merriam-Webster defines relevant as, “having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand and affording evidence tending to prove or disprove the matter at issue or under discussion.”

If you maintain Bible integrity in the prophetic voice, even when it is not popular, you will gain more and more relevance and influence. God is going to give the persevering prophetic voices relevant dreams and visions. Consider this Scripture: “There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world” (Ps. 19:3-5).

5. Landing pages have social sharing icons. The Lord showed me the true messages from true prophetic voices are going to spread organically. You won't have to make the people who are supposed to listen hear you. There will be those who hear and don't understand, but those who have a heart to hear what the Lord is saying will search it out and find the truth.

Some of the prophetic words coming out of the nation will go viral. Sometimes that's because people will hear the truth in it, and sometimes it's mockers scoffing. Stand strong. When the scoffers spread your message, it will still prick the hearts of some and they will repent and believe. God will use the scoffers' ill intentions for His good. Don't give heed to the lies of the scoffers. Set your face like flint and don't read what they say about you. God is using you.

6.  Landing pages make a clear and concise call to action. The true prophetic voices in the land are going to be led by the Spirit to make clear calls to action. In some cases, that will sound like repentance. In other cases, that will sound like altar calls for healing and deliverance. God is going to give the prophetic voices clear and concise messages that cut through the spirit of religion's influence.

What Now?

So where do you go from here? This is God's will for you. Will it be easy, no. Will there be spiritual warfare, yes. But will there be results if you obey the Lord. Yes.

God is looking for prophets and prophetic voices who carry an Isaiah spirit in this region. Isaiah goes down in Bible history as a prophet of hope. Despite everything going on, despite the hard words he offered, he was known as a prophet of hope. When the Lord encountered Isaiah in chapter 6, we read from verse 5:

“Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.”

Isaiah was overwhelmed by the calling. Don't be overwhelmed. God is with you!

Verses 6-7 continue, “Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: 'Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, and your sin purged.'”

Live a lifestyle of repentance and you will walk more closely with the Lord and hear Him accurately.

Verse 8 reads, “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: 'Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?' Then I said, 'Here am I! Send me.'”

The Lord is looking for prophetic warriors in London and the surrounding region to answer the call. London is the landing page. 

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