WE Are the Generation Creation Has Been Longing For

WE Are the Generation Creation Has Been Longing For

Once again, the Lord is speaking with so much love and encouragement to His people, the Body of Christ. Even in the wake of potential wars and troubles, the Lord is telling us how WE are the generation (all of us alive now) that creation has been longing for. At this particular time in world history, there are more manifested sons of God alive and anointed for the Kingdom than in any other time in Church history. The entire universe is standing on tip toes to see the unveiling of the glorious sons of God and the mighty works we will show forth.

In Hebrews 2:10 (The Passion Translation), it is written, “For now He towers above all creation, for all things exist through Him and for Him. And that God made Him, Pioneer of our Salvation, perfect through His sufferings, for this is how He brings many sons and daughters to share in His glory.” We are now sons brought into the Kingdom of God’s glory by Jesus’ finished work—sons following the First Born of a glorious generation. We must open our eyes to exactly who we are and what we are called for, no longer waiting but standing in our family position as sons.

We are not praying for an answer to this current day of trials. We ARE the answer for the world.

It Is the Midnight Hour

I heard the Lord say, “It is the Midnight Hour.” This is not the midnight hour like the world might think, with time running out, but rather the Lord was saying that it is the close of one day and the first moments of a brand new day – the dawning of a brand new day. The day of a new, revelation of light.

This is the generation that will stand before God and seek His face, “…for they seek the pleasure of God’s face…” (Psalm 24:6 The Passion Translation). WE are following Jesus, the First Born of manifested sons of God, as He, the King of kings, marches through the ageless doors of destiny and living gateways and shines through in us. What a beautiful picture, a bright and shining Body of Christ filled with the Light that brightens the whole world.

Oaks of Righteousness

“…They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.” (Isaiah 61:3)

We are Oaks of Righteousness, the plantings of the Lord that He may be glorified through us. We are those who wear a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

“‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor…’ And He began to say to them, ‘Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.'” (Luke 4:18-19, 21)

Jesus spoke in the synagogue from this very Scripture. He said, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Now we too can say as He said: “Today this Word is fulfilled in us.

Love Letter to the Church in America

The Father says, “Beloved ones, this is your time to shine. I have poured out a blessing on you, both corporately and individually, unlike anything you have experienced so far. Through the generations, the Church in America has sowed seeds across the nations of this world for revival. So now this generation will reap where you have not sowed. You will reap a harvest of souls for the Kingdom. From the west to the east a harvest will come. It will touch all the states of your nation at one time, thrusting you all out into the harvest field. Like a great wave, people will be swept into the Kingdom.

Demonstrations of might such as healings, miracles, deliverances and resurrections will be experienced daily. As mankind looks for a sign, there will be only one sign given: My Church, My sons, with Jesus Christ as the Head. You will be a sign of My unconditional love to the world. As you, My people, love each other and love the people of the world, the world will know I am God.

“Continue to defend life in every way you can—the right of every human to live. Life will win and overcome death. You will feel a great lifting in the atmosphere of your nation as death gives way to life.

“Walk in unity. This is vital. Full authority will come as you are united. Do not allow division or jealousy among you. Many who have been away from the Body will be coming home. Receive them as true sons. I tell you to prefer each other, to be willing to even lay down your life for each other.

“I am releasing angels to work side by side with you. They are bringing with them the Water of Life that flows from My throne to refresh you as you move forward. Cloth yourselves in the full armor at all times. The enemy will fight back but he will not prevail, as he knows his time is short. As for you, keep your eyes on Me.

“Pray at all times. Intercede. Stand in the gap for those who are lost. Great power comes through your declarations and prayer.”

Three Things for You to Watch for

First, God said, “A great company of prophetic voices will be heard across your land. They are the voices of the older prophets and the younger prophets coming together, orchestrating a great sound throughout your land. I will speak through them some amazing words for the future.”

Second, I saw a woman, maybe in her late 40s or early 50s, being sworn in as the new Supreme Court Justice. She has a passion in her for family and children. She will be very courageous.

The third thing is a warning about Cyber terror attack. Already those who can do this are preparing with a plan to shut down communication and bring a darkness to our nation with confusion. We must be praying against this.

I will close with this Scripture, Revelation 22:17, “‘Come,’ says the Holy Spirit and the Bride in divine duet. Let everyone who hears this duet join them saying, ‘Come.’ Let everyone gripped with spiritual thirst say, ‘Come.’ And let everyone who craves the gift of living water come and drink freely. ‘It is My gift to you! Come.'”

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