I have been meditating on the changing role of the prophetic office in light of the reformation of the Church.
I have been equipping prophetic people for 18 years, and suddenly I found myself reevaluating all that the Lord has so graciously entrusted me to do.
It was as if some “boredom” had set in. I began asking, “What is my role in this season?” My focus shifted from personal prophecy to discerning the time and season in which we live in the NOW. This word was birthed as I meditated on the Scripture in Jeremiah 1, the “prophet’s call” to build, root out, pull down, overthrow, build and plant. The call was to BE the voice and speak with authority over nations and kingdoms. Anyone called to the office of the prophet will have power to uproot, stamp out, destroy and upend, rebuild and plant anew.
Being the Voice
Being the voice is more significant than having a voice. Oneness with the Godhead is our highest priority, and Christ IN us empowers us to KNOW His heart, and not just prophesy from the “gift”. Prophets need to disengage from clamor, chaos, and choose the road less traveled for true intimacy and friendship with God. Silence will become a new norm as we ponder and reevaluate our changing role in the Body of Christ.
Since ALL are called to prophesy (1 Corinthians 14:31), we will not make prophesying our singular focus, but rather release the Body to do so on a greater scale. This will shift our focus to reformation of the Church and advancing the Kingdom. (Note: we will still deliver words, but they will be more authoritative, and with great power and and wisdom.)
Speak With Authority Over Nations and Kingdoms
Interestingly enough, the call to Jeremiah was a call to the nations of the earth; although he never went to the nations. How are we (as prophetic people) catalysts to shift nations? Since most prophets will not be called to travel to speak to kings, queens and presidents, our decrees and prophetic intercession release the same authoritative sound. We will support, and align with one voice as we stand behind those chosen to walk through such open doors.
I have been fortunate enough to travel to many nations and places. In 2013 on a trip to Nicaragua, I was given the opportunity to prophesy over the radio to the nation. I released financial increase and business ideas on the call. The nation did begin to prosper and move from a stance of poverty to increase in that season. We will see a rise in prophetic networking to stand with those who have such open doors. Prophets will move into more creative ways of releasing God’s heart and His plans for the nations.
Through a series of dreams, I was given a mandate to pray for our nation’s capital. I took a team and off we went, not knowing what the Lord would do. I fell prostrate outside the White House on the cold concrete and said one word: mercy. Mission accomplished. Obedience and simplicity will become the new norm.
Discerning the Times and Seasons
Just as the sons of Issachar had the call to discern times and seasons, they led the children of Israel wisely and strategically (1 Chronicles 12:32).
Prophets will begin to move in uncommon wisdom to do the same. The secret life of the prophet holds the key to gain wisdom to empower the Body of Christ to prepare for ever changing seasons. I thank God for prophets who can skillfully articulate times and seasons. There will be an increase and expansion of this type of anointing upon the prophets as we move into our new place in the Kingdom.
I see God raising up mothers and fathers in the prophetic movement that have such a desire to nurture and guide the next generation of rising prophetic voices. Lou Engle has shifted into such a mandate as many others are embracing and loving the rising fiery and passionate voices.
Releasing the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord
Since prophets do not merely carry the message, but they themselves ARE the message, there will be such sobriety upon their lives as they walk in the fear of the Lord. As prophets have holy, fresh encounters with seeing the face and the fullness of God, He will release the Spirit of the fear of the Lord to bring repentance and expose dark places in lives for the purpose of deliverance and salvation (Isaiah 11:2).
Calling Watchmen Into Key Positions
“Prophets need to disengage from clamor, chaos, and choose the road less traveled for true intimacy and friendship with God.”
There will be an expansion of the seer anointing upon the prophets such as having a panoramic view across regions and lands, both nationally and internationally. It will be key to align with prayer centers and regional generals of intercession to sound the alarm and release keys to decree and declare the purposes of God (Habakkuk 2:1).
Carrying the Justice Mantle
“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne…” (Psalm 89:14). Prophets are foundational in the Kingdom, and have a keen awareness of God’s heart in humane acts.
Since prophets have a battle cry for injustices and as there has been an increase in atrocities that are unimaginable, prophets will begin to shift their authority to reach into city and state governmental authorities for the purposes of working alongside agencies that combat human-trafficking, poverty and high crime areas. They alone cannot accomplish such, but will release wisdom to leaders, pastors, prophetic intercessors and chaplains to infiltrate evil and release Heaven.
Within the justice mantle we will see prophets being instruments to pioneer a fresh movement to bring racial reconciliation. Whenever there is a rise in tension and conflicts, there is a call to bring healing. Matt Lockett and Will Ford are two prophets who are releasing revelation concerning such systemic injustices.
Aligning with Angelic Hosts to Help Share the Destiny of Regions and Nations
Many years ago, while driving through a certain state to minister at a conference, I began weeping as I saw a huge angel hovering over a barren and oppressive land. At that moment, I discerned poverty and hopelessness. For several years, I would gather prophetic watchmen and intercessors and strategize prayer networking and team building.
I could “see” the hosts of Heaven pleading for a release of His glory in many east coast states. We would take teams into Washington DC, New York City, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts to release His heart. I believe that prophets and seers will continue to work with the angelic in greater measure during this prophetic reformation.
Move in Uncommon Wisdom
Isaiah 11 is an indicator of the manifestations of Holy Spirit that would rest upon Jesus and consequently within us as well. Prophets are given authority to root out, pull down, overthrow, build and plant. Such a mandate of authority requires uncommon wisdom which is the mind of the Lord. Prophets will be put in key positions to dismantle strongholds and release strategies to unravel powers and principalities that seek to destroy our nation, beginning in government and the government of the Church.
Just as the prophet was given authority within the call to be set over nations and kingdoms, the Lord has highlighted these areas that the spirit of wisdom will accomplish:
1. Root out racism and injustice systemically.
2. Bring down heavenly plans and assignments.
3. Destroy religious mindsets.
4. Throw down, release your mantle and giftedness to the next generations.
5. Build people, relationships and righteousness.
6. Plant and pioneer new innovative ideas to release Kingdom wealth.
We thank You, Father, for being able to shift, very effortlessly, into the prophetic reformation. We align with change and make necessary adjustments in our own lives to adapt to it. Grace us with wisdom and grace to change.
Mar 11 2025