What God is Clothing His People in – Right Now

What God is Clothing His People in – Right Now

God is raising up an army that will remove all fears. Every fear that plagues our consciousness, God is about to remove in a way that proves His perfect love, for perfect love cast out all fear. This boldness will empower you to truly come to the throne of grace and ask for the grace and mercy necessary to rule over all that God has called you to have dominion over—all that you’re called to occupy. Now is the time for you to release the promises of God over a people trapped in darkness.

During a duration of prayer and fasting, Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “I am clothing My people with the garment of boldness.” I instantly could feel the power of God rushing through my body and I got so excited for the Body of Christ. So many have stood in the gap and have warred for all that Father is pouring out now and also what He is about to pour out in measures never seen by mankind before. This is an amazing time. We are privileged to be alive in such a time as this.

But the Righteous Are Bold as a Lion

Jesus is the Lion of Judah and in Hebrews 4:16, God tells us to come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Proverbs 28:1 tells us the righteous are as bold as lions. This is the daily bread we must get; daily revelation, or revealed knowledge. We must seek first the Kingdom daily in our private time and go boldly to His throne of grace. We are called to be led by His Spirit.

The garment is a promise from Isaiah 61:3 which is to give us a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit. This is our right and not something we must beg for. Knowing our rights and knowing the truth is how we obtain the promises of God. We can only live holy lives by the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Press in for this now. Know the truth and know your rights as a citizen of Heaven seated in Christ at the right hand of God Almighty— a position of authority because of Him who lives in us.

Clothe Yourself in Jesus

“But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires” (Romans 13:14). We are to deny our old thinking, deny ourselves and let the mind of Christ fill us with the restoration of truth.

“I put on” or “clothe” is the Greek word “enduo.” Clothe yourself with Jesus. To live in His presence is a promise for every born again Believer. This is your right as a citizen of Heaven, to live in His presence, to live under an open Heaven in your home, work place or wherever your feet tread. I know this to be possible because this is how I live, and God is no respecter of persons, therefore I know this is coming to every saint of God. This is the standard and not just for a select chosen few. These rights of the righteous are justified by the Blood of Jesus and give us all authority over the enemy (Luke 10:19).

False humility strips mankind of their authority and faith. Jesus gave us the authority and ministry of restoration. What the Holy Spirit is saying to me is know who you are in Christ, as a king and no longer a slave. Know who you are as a priest in the earth, called to intercede and petition for God’s people and all that Jesus has given us through the Cross. Jesus has given us the ministry of reconciliation and with this authority we are called to co-labor in boldness with Christ. We are not called to live off the scraps of mankind and live in any form of lack. Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords! We are not called to live in a poverty mindset.

Let me lay a little bit more of an foundation and then reveal what I perceive God is doing in these last days.

What it Means to Be an Heir of God

Jesus came to restore His royal family as the Lamb of God. Jesus is the image of the invisible God, or you could say the “mirror-like representation,” and came to restore kings to a King. Jesus is returning as the Lion of Judah to rule and reign upon this earth as the King of kings. God is not bringing Earth to Heaven, but bringing His Kingdom to us through His people called by His name. Praise God. Jesus said, “Repent,” meaning, change the way you think! Why? Because the Kingdom is here and now. Why? Because the King has arrived to restore His kings. Amen. Only a King can anoint lords, meaning landowners—a people to rule His territories. The earth is not the devils, but belongs to mankind.

Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. It is important to know that you are a king and a lord. This is who Jesus is joint heirs with. The Word of God clearly states in Romans 8:17 who we are: “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together.”
The word in the Greek for children is téknon, meaning “descendant” (“a child living in willing dependence”). This illustrates how we must all live in utter dependence upon the Lord, moment by moment, drawing guidance (care, nurture) from our heavenly Father. Téknon emphasizes the childlike (not childish) attitude of heart that willingly (gladly) submits to the Father’s plan. This prompts God to transform us into His likeness.

Our Father who is in Heaven requires our total dependency upon Him, not our independence. God knows the plans He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11) and therefore we must seek Him. God made a promise in His Word that if you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. This and this alone reveals your divine purpose and reveals to you your identity in Christ. Many today have not trained their senses to discern evil verses good (Hebrews 5:14).

This seems like this would be simple. Good versus evil, but we are speaking of the thoughts we have consciously and subconsciously.

Kings rule and reign and lords are land owners. The King has land He wants you to rule over under His authority and by His power. We are not called to rule over people as stated in Genesis, but to have dominion over territory as an extension of Heaven. Thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven. Adam and Eve were not given dominion over Heaven, that is reserved for God and God alone. In Psalm 115:16 Father God clearly states, “The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth He has given to mankind.”

We Can Do All Things through Christ

Our Lord is here, now, in His people, indwelling His people by His Spirit. As we know, the Holy Spirit is the Anointing that covers us in these last days called the New Covenant. Holy Spirit is Christ in the earth and therefore we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Father God is bringing reformation to the Body of Christ. Just as in King Josiah’s day, God is rebuilding the temple of His Holy Spirit which is us; healing all those who have been in warfare and intercession for God’s people; placing us upon the Rock which is Jesus Christ, and building His government upon the earth to prepare the way for the King of kings to release His people to restore the earth back to His royal family. You are mighty because of He who dwells within you. A victorious people rooted in Christ will make a new sound in the earth that has never been heard by mankind before. These people will release authority that will free the nations of oppression and darkness. The glory that will rest upon this royal race has never been seen before and God will receive all the glory, praise and honor.

This is the time to allow the Spirit of Truth to lead you to all truth. This makes deception impossible. Prepare yourself for joy unspeakable!

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