What to Do About Prophetic Frustration

What to Do About Prophetic Frustration

Are you experiencing spiritual frustration? Someone e-mailed me this question: “Is there such a thing as spiritual frustration. If so, can you explain and what would you suggest as a solution?” Here’s my response:

Yes, I believe there is. You first have to discern if the frustration is a godly or satanic frustration. Sometimes the devil come with discontent to try to move us out of or ahead of Gods’ will. Other times, it’s a spiritual frustration from God that moves us more toward His will. Understanding what God’s will is and trusting Him to bring it to pass is a key. Much of our spiritual frustration comes from not trusting His timing or not knowing what His will is. Practically speaking, ask God what’s causing it and believe Him for a revelation. Pray in tongues a lot. Confess Scriptures over your life that have to do with wisdom and revelation and watch God expose the root of that spiritual frustration so you can deal with it.

How have you dealt with spiritual frustration?

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