What You’re Carrying Determines Your Warfare | Archbishop Duncan-Williams | Prayer & Fasting, Day 2

What You’re Carrying Determines Your Warfare | Archbishop Duncan-Williams | Prayer & Fasting, Day 2

You are here because of God’s original intent for your life! Paul had a thorn, but he was chosen while in the womb to preach the gospel.

During the 2nd message of a 3 night event, Archbishop Duncan Williams explains how to defeat Satan in his attempts to destroy your destiny.

3 Days of Prayer & Fasting: Day 2 – 2/19/2019
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Evangel Cathedral exists to demonstrate the Love of God to people from every nation building a family of believers and equipping disciples for the work of the ministry. Founded in 1955 by John Meares and his wife, Mary Lee Meares, after preaching alongside the late Jack Coe in an evangelistic tent revival meeting. Numerous signs, wonders, and miracles continue to be demonstrated in this local body of believers.

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