I hadn’t received a significant personal prophecy from the Lord in years—nor was I looking for one. While I used to crave prophetic words as a young Christian, I’ve learned not look to man as a mediator to deliver messages from God.
That said, I value personal prophetic ministry. That’s one reason we have prophecy rooms every Friday night at the Awakening House of Prayer. A prophetic word delivered in due season can change someone’s life (see Prov. 15:23). And when we’re going through mega trials that are rocking our emotions, it can be difficult to discern the will of the Lord.
The purpose of New Testament prophecy is to edify, comfort and exhort (see 1 Cor. 14:3). Personal prophecy can build you up when the enemy is tearing you down. Personal prophecy can comfort you during an instant crisis or a prolonged storm. Personal prophecy can exhort you to take action—and inspire the faith in you to run to the battle line.
Rapid Fire Jaw-Dropping Prophecies
Recently, I found myself in a personal prophecy swirl. I don’t mean on the giving end—I mean on the receiving end. People I hadn’t heard from in months emerged with vivid dreams about my present condition and my future hope. Others I just recently met had spectacular open visions of what the Lord was calling me to do next. Indeed, a river of personal prophecy was flowing into my life from many streams.
At first, I found it strange that so many people—even random strangers who sent me Facebook messages—were having so many dreams, visions and prophetic words concerning my ministry. I though, “Dear Lord, it’s so weird that all these random folks are dreaming about me.”
The river soon started flowing over the banks and turned into a flood. Folks I had never met before and would never see again started delivering massively directional words. These words were so specific and so bold these saints must have been super sure they were hearing from the Lord. They would be foolish to come up to me and proclaim such things in His name. It was enough to make my jaw drop.
Many Suddenlies Are Not Suddenlies
At the same time, I was having dream after dream and getting word after word directly from the Lord about crossing bridges, mega provision, relational deaths, spiritual assignments against me, turning points and big decisions. Add it all up and it’s a prophetic swirl was undeniable.
Paul taught us that we know in part and we see in part (see 1 Cor. 13:9-12). Each prophetic word I received from Father’s heart—every dream, every vision, and every angelic encounter—served as a puzzle piece that was slowly bring into view the mega picture. If anyone had told me what that picture looked like in a single prophecy, my mind and emotions would have rejected it. God in His wisdom trickled out bits and pieces of information like bread crumbs on a hiking trail. And I followed.
Through this I learned that many suddenlies are not suddenlies at all. God changes us from glory to glory and we move from faith to faith. He prepares our hearts, sometimes for years in advance, for the next breakthrough. He sees the end from the beginning and sends messengers we know and messengers we don’t to give us signposts on the highway to our destiny.
What to Do in a Prophetic Swirl
The Bible says, “Believe the prophets and you shall prosper” (2 Chron. 2:20). Of course, you have to make sure the prophet is truly speaking what says the Spirit of God. We must test the spirits to see if they are God (see 1 John 4:1). We must prove all things and hold fast to that which is good (1 Thess. 5:21).
There comes a time, though, when the collective of prophetic voices becomes so loud and so confirming that we have to extend our faith to believe God. There comes a time when we have to get out of minds and into His heart.
When you are in a prophetic swirl, stay close to God. Understand that personal prophetic swirls usually precede mega transition—and so do trials. The personal prophecies are intended to edify, comfort and exhort you through the trial, through the transition, and into the next assignment God has for you. And I can assure you, it’s good!