Where To Find Strength In Times Of Trouble?

Where To Find Strength In Times Of Trouble?

Difficulties or troubles in life are inevitable; no one is exempt from them. Sometimes we try to outlast the problems, forgetting to call on the One who can calm them. We are too focused on our issues, our pain, and even on the people that surround us, but unfortunately not focused enough on the One who can turn things around for us.

Here are three things that will help you find strength in times of trouble;

1. Find Strength in Jesus

There is no other name more powerful than the name of Jesus. His name is the name above all names.

He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is our Savior, Healer, Deliverer, Redeemer, friend and most of all, the Lover of our Soul. He loves us so much that He could not let us continue to wonder about the true meaning of life or let us continue to struggle alone with our problems.

Sometimes we experience things that we think are too hard to bear but Jesus wants to remind us that nothing is too hard for Him. And that in every season He will always be with us and that He is still good. You can always count on Him. More than any other, He is the only One who understands you completely and with no condemnation.

2. Find strength in Who HE is

Jesus is telling us right now that no matter what kind of circumstances we are in, we should never lose sight of who He is. Satan’s goal is to make us feel weak, useless and ultimately to destroy us. Fight Satan’s attacks on your mind, body, and soul with the truth of Scripture! We have a loving God who can and will go before us.

Through trials, we can learn that there are no difficulties big enough to prevent God from accomplishing His will in our lives. He knows when we rise and when we fall, He sees every season in our lives.

He can calm a raging storm, can bring the dead back to life, and can heal every disease. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. See? Nothing is impossible for Him. Know Him more intimately by reading His truth in the Bible.

3. Find Strength in His Love

When we hasten to call on the Master and allow Him to bear our burdens, our peace may come in small reminders of His love and care, giving us the strength to get through the hard places of life. His love for us is eternal, and nothing can change that.

We know the depth of someone’s love for us by what it costs them: and Jesus’ love for you cost Him His life. Remember that the cost of His love was Himself—His life. It was not just money or time or energy or inconvenience or even suffering; it was the full extent of His sacrifice. He gave everything. Himself.

Always find strength in this, Jesus the Author and Finisher of your faith will never lead you astary. Trust in Him with all your heart and take His rest by enjoying His presence.

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” (Isaiah 40:29)

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