Where’s GQ’s IQ? Men’s Rag Attacks Bible as “Foolish, Ill-Intentioned”

Where’s GQ’s IQ? Men’s Rag Attacks Bible as “Foolish, Ill-Intentioned”

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time—all time. But the fashion-smart editors of GQ have unequivocally decided that the Good Book isn’t worthy of our facetime.

No, this is not a twist on words. I’ll let you read GQ’s very own printed words:

“The Holy Bible is rated very highly by all the people who supposedly live by it but who in actuality have not read it,” is how the presumptuous, judgmental critical review opens. Way to paint Christianity with a broad brush.

“Those who have read it know there are some good parts, but overall it is certainly not the finest thing that man has ever produced,” the review continues.

Um, yeah, well, man didn’t produce it. The Holy Spirit inspired Scripture. Spiritual things are spiritual discerned, according to 1 Corinthians 2:14, and foolish men can’t understand them.

Foolish men will call the Word of God foolish out of ignorance and the devil’s blinding.

Case in point, GQ speaks of the Bible this way: “It is repetitive, self-contradictory, sententious, foolish, and even at times ill-intentioned,” the review reads.

Kettle, do you hear the pot calling you? The Bible is none of those things. It is the Word of God which is purified seven times (see Psalm 12:6).

What should we meditate on, then, if not the Word of God? Instead, these glitz and glam editors believe you should read “The Notebook” by Agota Kristof.

“If the thing you heard was good about the Bible was the nasty bits, then I propose Agota Kristof’s The Notebook, a marvelous tale of two brothers who have to get along when things get rough. The subtlety and cruelty of this story is like that famous sword stroke (from below the boat) that plunged upward through the bowels, the lungs, and the throat and into the brain of the rower.”

Um, what? New-wave European fiction can never outlast, outsell or outdo the Bible. No one who has read it with an open heart could suggest so. I pray the Lord delivers GQ from the deep dark blindness. I break the Lord God Almighty breaks in with light and love and a radical encounter like unto Paul’s experience with Jesus on the road to Damascus.

One more thing, know this: The attack on the Word of God comes at a time when a California bill could ultimately lead to a ban on Bibles. It’s clearly a coordinated onslaught between the government and media mountains of society.

Make no mistake, The Notebook will pass away. GQ will pass away. Heaven and earth will pass away. But the Word of God will never pass away (Matthew 24:35). The Word of God never fails. God watches over His Word to perform it.

Read my article: 23 Truths You Need to Know About the Word of God for more.

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