Why We Don’t Discern Hindering Spirits

Why We Don’t Discern Hindering Spirits

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard believers talk about delays, frustrations, or closed doors, chalking it up to bad timing or coincidence. It’s a common response when things aren’t going as planned. We blame ourselves, circumstances, or even other people, but what if I told you that what’s happening is spiritual in nature? Too often, we misdiagnose hindering spirits as natural events and end up fighting the wrong battle.

Hindering spirits are some of the most subtle and overlooked enemies in the spiritual realm, and it’s exactly that subtlety that makes them so dangerous. They don’t show up with flashing lights, making it obvious that you’re under spiritual attack. No, these spirits work in the shadows, using everyday events and small, seemingly insignificant frustrations to wear you down and block your progress.

So, why do we miss it? Let me break it down for you.

1. We Don’t Recognize the Spiritual Battle Behind Natural Events

One of the biggest reasons we miss the activity of hindering spirits is because we don’t recognize the spiritual battle behind natural events. We’ve been conditioned to believe that most things in life are simply circumstantial—things like missed opportunities, delays, and unexpected problems. We write off spiritual warfare because we don’t realize that the spiritual realm is often influencing the natural world.

The Bible tells us clearly that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). Yet how often do we forget that truth in the daily grind? The enemy works through circumstances to hinder us, and if we only look at the surface, we miss the spiritual root.

Think about Paul’s situation in 1 Thessalonians 2:18. He writes, “For we wanted to come to you—certainly I, Paul, did, again and again—but Satan blocked our way.” This wasn’t just a case of bad travel conditions or scheduling conflicts. Paul discerned that it was Satan himself who was hindering his plans. Many of us don’t have that level of spiritual discernment, and we end up thinking our hindrances are simply part of life.

2. We Overlook Small Setbacks

Hindering spirits are masters of the slow sabotage. They don’t typically launch full-frontal assaults that are obvious. Instead, they work through small, seemingly insignificant setbacks to frustrate us. It’s the little things: unexpected traffic that makes you late for an important meeting, technical glitches that stop you from finishing a project, or constant miscommunication that hinders progress in relationships.

These are the kinds of things we’re tempted to brush off, but over time, they can accumulate and become strongholds. The enemy loves to wear you down with the drip-drip-drip of delay and distraction. When you’re constantly dealing with small frustrations, your spiritual focus can weaken, making you more vulnerable to larger attacks down the line.

3. We Don’t Know What to Look For

Many believers don’t know what the signs of a hindering spirit look like. We’re taught to identify outright demonic attacks like fear, depression, or temptation, but hindering spirits operate differently. They don’t always manifest in your emotions or mind; instead, they show up in your circumstances. It’s easy to spot a spirit of fear because it affects how you feel, but hindering spirits block your forward momentum in more subtle ways.

Here are some common signs you might be dealing with a hindering spirit:

  • Constant delays: Everything seems to take longer than it should, and you’re always waiting for the next step.
  • Unexplained opposition: You’re met with roadblocks where there shouldn’t be any.
  • Repeated frustrations: You keep running into the same problems over and over, no matter what you do.
  • Closed doors: Opportunities that should be open to you suddenly slam shut without explanation.

4. We Accept Hindrances as “God’s Will”

Here’s where the enemy really gets crafty: he tries to convince you that the hindrance you’re facing is God’s will. I’ve seen it over and over again in the lives of believers. When faced with delays or closed doors, we start to second-guess ourselves and God’s plans. Instead of standing firm and pressing through the resistance, we assume that maybe God doesn’t want us to move forward. We start saying things like, “Maybe it’s just not God’s timing” or “Maybe God’s closing this door for a reason.”

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes God does close doors or delay things for our protection. But not every delay is from God! The enemy is more than happy to let you believe that the hindrance is God’s will because it takes you out of the fight. He loves it when believers back down, thinking they’re being “spiritual” by accepting the blockage.

The key is discernment. You need to stay connected to the Holy Spirit and ask for wisdom. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” Don’t just assume every hindrance is from God. Ask Him, and He will show you the truth.

5. We Don’t Fight Back in the Spirit

When hindrances come, our first response is often to try and fix the problem in the natural. We start working harder, adjusting our plans, or finding practical solutions. But that’s exactly what the enemy wants! Hindering spirits are spiritual enemies, and you can’t fight them with natural means.

Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:4, “The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” If you’re trying to fight a spiritual battle with carnal weapons—like your own wisdom, strength, or problem-solving skills—you’re fighting a losing battle. You need to use spiritual weapons: prayer, fasting, binding and loosing, and declaring the Word of God over your situation.

If you’re dealing with hindrances, it’s time to go into warfare mode. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the root of the hindrance. Pray in tongues, make declarations of victory, and don’t stop until you see the breakthrough. Hindering spirits are persistent, but you have authority in Christ to break their power over your life.

Final Thoughts

Hindering spirits are often misdiagnosed because they work in the shadows, and most of us aren’t looking for them. But now that you know their tactics, it’s time to sharpen your spiritual discernment. Don’t let the enemy block your progress with subtle delays and frustrations. Recognize the battle for what it is, fight back with spiritual weapons, and trust that God will break through every hindrance.

Remember, what the enemy means for evil, God will turn around for good (Romans 8:28). You are more than a conqueror in Christ, and no hindering spirit can stop you from fulfilling your God-given destiny when you stand firm in your authority.

Keep pressing, keep praying, and keep moving forward. The breakthrough is yours!

Join my free training on 3 Open Doors to Hindering Spirits here.

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