Will Food Shortages Drive us to Eat Bugs?

Will Food Shortages Drive us to Eat Bugs?

When it comes to the lunch menu most schools tend to stick to tried-and-tested classics, but some pupils in Wales are being served up bug bolognese for their lunch, according to Yahoo Life UK.

The idea is to replace beef.

This news comes at the same time ranchers are selling off their cattle in unprecedented numbers due to the drought. Michael Snyder of End of the American Dream says this has enormous implications for 2023.

We are truly living in the end times.

Today’s broadcast is brought to you by The End Times Watchman: The Prophetic Intercessor’s Guide to Watching and Praying through the Last Days. This book will equip you to see current events through an end times lens and pray with prophetic accuracy. Pick up your copy on Amazon or at my website at www.jenniferleclaire.org

While Bill Gates is buying up farmland in America, children in Wales are part of an experiment to save the planet—by eating bugs.

And who is right there to support the cause? Greta Thunberg, the young Swedish environmental activist who is known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change migration. Listen in to her pitch for why we should eat creepy crawlies like contestants on Survivor.

Listen to the podcast to hear the audio.

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