It started a little later than usual, but spiritual witchcraft is rising—and rising rapidly—in South Florida this October. My community is home to a large population of witches, pagans, Wiccans and other heathens who practice one form of witchcraft or another. Your community may not have palm trees and beaches, but it's likely got a few witches, pagans, Wiccans and heathens practicing witchcraft.
A quick scan of the latest news reveals that reports of witchcraft-related child abuse are on the rise in London; two children were tortured and dumped on the streets over witchcraft in Akwa Ibom; a pastor who runs several churches in Kiambu and Meru was found practicing witchcraft; authorities have tied Texas drug smugglers to witchcraft, cartels and a house explosion; and seven people accused of witchcraft were burned to death in Tanzania.
When I first moved to South Florida, I battled Jezebel and her witchcrafts (see 2 Kings 9:22) with limited success for at least a year before I learned to discern the attack of this spiritual enemy at its onset, submit myself to God's Word, resist the devil and command it to flee in the name of Jesus (see James 4:7, AMP). Now, I am much quicker to sense witchcraft operating in the spirit, but sometimes witchcraft attacks in your sleep.
Witchcraft Dreams
Earlier this year, I wrote an article called When Jezebel's Witchcraft Keeps You Up at Night. I wrote it in March, which, along with October, is a prime time for witchcraft manifestations. In March, it has more to do with the spiritual climate that stems from false Mary worship. In October, it's more about the witches, pagans, Wiccans and heathens practicing witchcraft.
As I explained in my article earlier this year, the enemy has used a different tactic in 2014. Since the spiritual forces of darkness could not slow me down by day, the attacks are coming at night. I've started having what I call witchcraft dreams. A more complete way of explaining it would be to say I've experienced dream activity inspired by witchcraft rumbling in the spiritual climate.
While we watch kids dress up as witches and knock on doors asking for candy, bona fide witches are celebrating their holy day and Witches' Sabbath. October 21 is also Samhain, a Gaelic festival that marks the finale of harvest season and the start of winter. One Paganism/Wiccan expert explained, “It's a good time to contact the spirit world with a séance, because it's the time when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest.”
Symptoms of Witchcraft
People who are especially sensitive to the spiritual realm can sense witchcraft in the atmosphere. As demonic activity increases, people report feelings of oppression, fatigue, strong spiritual warfare against the mind that makes you feel like quitting, and even physical manifestations for which doctors can't find a reason. Are you experiencing any of these things?
When witchcraft is particularly heavy in the spiritual climate, my eyes actually burn. Everything seems like a much bigger deal than it really is because witchcraft works to take your eyes off Jesus by magnifying the problem. The enemy can use people to release witchcraft against you through word curses, but this spiritual force seems to sometimes hang over your head like a dark cloud—unless you break it.
In my book, Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft, I write: “We need the gift of discernment to truly understand what we're battling. We can't effectively take authority over false authority in the name of Jesus if we can't discern what we're taking authority over. Sure, there are the generic 'I bind every spirit that is not of Christ, in the name of Jesus!' prayers but my experience tells me those will only take you so far in battle.”
Combating Spiritual Witchcraft
Just because you are exhausted, feeling oppressed, are battling in your mind, or otherwise sense a struggle doesn't mean that you are necessarily battling witchcraft. You need the Holy Spirit to show you what is going on. That said, if it's October and you are consistently facing these symptoms—and specifically if you are having vivid nightmares suddenly—you should ask the Holy Spirit if witchcraft plays a role.
With nightmares and bad dreams, it could just be that you ate too much too late at night, that you are processing internal fears in your soul, that your subconscious mind is dredging up strong emotions from your past, or some other natural cause. However, it could also be spiritual witchcraft. If it is, what do you do?
I wrote more about this in a past article called Overcoming Witchcraft Attacks Against Your Mind and Body. If you are experiencing nightmares, I'd also suggest reading that and also remembering and confessing this: “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day (Psalm 91:5). And this: “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet” (Prov. 3:24).
Pray over yourself before you go to sleep—plead the blood of Jesus and command these spirits to cease their operations in the name of Jesus. And if you wake up with one of these bad dreams, do it again. The spiritual climate is intense for these next couple of weeks, but we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Amen.
Click here to download a free chapter of Jennifer's new book, Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft, and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.